First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More on that 2008 Pixar flick

Earth in fact has become so toxic that -- centuries before our story actually gets underway -- mankind has abandoned the planet. We're now all living aboard the Axiom, this massive spaceship that circles high overhead. Waiting for the day that the planet once again becomes inhabitable.
But the only problem is that mankind hired this enormous, inept corporation -- Buynlarge -- to supervise the clean-up effort. And that company -- in turn -- sent hundreds of thousands of robots down to the planet's surface to pick up all of the trash.
But Buynlarge's Waste Allocation Load Lifters -- Earth Class units really weren't up to the task. And so -- over the centuries -- these robots slowly began breaking down. Until now (as the film's story finally, officially gets underway) there's only one WALL E left running on the entire planet.

But here's the thing, folks. Over the past 700 years, WALL E has gotten ... quirky. To be specific, he's become somewhat self-aware & curious.
"Curious about what?," you ask. Well, humans for starters. Over the centuries, this WALL E has collected an amazing array of human artifacts. Things like a Rubik's Cube, a lightbulb, a Playmate portable ice chest. But this robot's proudest possession is an old VCR. On which he plays -- over and over again -- a VHS copy of "Hello, Dolly !"
Now let's pause here for a moment and just think about that. Everything that this robot knows (Or -- more importantly -- thinks he knows) about mankind, he's either learned from picking through garbage and/or by watching a 700-year-old Barbra Streisand film.
Anyway ... Given that he's the last operational robot left on the planet, with only Spot to keep him company, WALL E has become lonely. He longs for companionship.
Which is why this robot is thrilled one morning when a spaceship almost lands on him. And what should float out of the craft but this sleek new unit, EVE.
Which is why this robot is thrilled one morning when a spaceship almost lands on him. And what should float out of the craft but this sleek new unit, EVE.
Eve has been sent down to Earth to find ...something (Sorry. But I really don't to give "WALL E" 's entire story away with today's article). And as this sleek new unit hovers around the planet, endlessly scanning the Earth's surface ... WALL E follows along behind EVE like a lovesick pup. Desperate to get her attention, to have this newer model notice him.
It isn't 'til a sudden sandstorm forces WALL E & EVE to seek shelter in the very same vehicle that these two mechanical devices then really begin trying to communicate. With the trash-collecting robot trying to impress this more advanced model by showing off his collection of rare human artifacts.
But then EVE is recalled. And as she reboards her craft to return to space, WALL E has a decision to make. Should this robot just do as he's programmed? Remain on Earth and continue to pick his way through those never-ending mountains of trash? Or should WALL E actually take a chance, continue to try & win EVE over by following her out into outer space?
At the very last moment, as EVE's rocket is actually blasting off, WALL E latches onto her craft. And this robot -- along with the rocket -- is hurtled off into space. Which is where the real fun begins ...
At the very last moment, as EVE's rocket is actually blasting off, WALL E latches onto her craft. And this robot -- along with the rocket -- is hurtled off into space. Which is where the real fun begins ...
Now keep in mind that all I've described here is just the first third of "WALL E." Which plays out with little or no dialogue. By that I mean: The age-old trash-picking robot and the sleek new scanning droid may beep & boop at one another. But -- with the exception of the music & the dialogue that we hear coming from that VCR that plays "Hello, Dolly !" -- that's it. The rest of this section of Pixar's 2008 release is (in effect) a silent movie.
And wait 'til you see what happens to WALL E once he gets on board the Axiom and finds out what has become of mankind. How -- because humans have grown even more lazy in the 700 years that they've been off Earth -- we're all now just these enormous fat blobs who can only move about because we travel in huge floating lounge chairs.
The rest of this amazing motion picture is set deep out in space, where WALL E runs into some even more mis-begotten creatures ... And some 700 years after doing what he was built to do, this robot will finally discover what he was meant to do.'
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Again with the vampires

Today, the Hollywood Reporter ran the story that Ball has cast Academy Award-winner, star of X-Men, and perennial CHUD favorite Anna Paquin in True Blood‘s leading role. Paquin will play innocent waitress Sookie Stackhouse, who can read minds and who finds herself involved in a passionate relationship with a vampire.
True Blood is based on a series of terrible novels by Charlaine Harris – they’re pretty much a compendium of clichés dealing with the loss of innocence, sexuality, and every fantasy a horny housewife has had about vampires. The pilot that I read a month ago wasn’t much better – it was all set-up, introducing the same clichéd characters (over-protective brother, violent yet mysterious vampire, white-trash couple, innocent ingénue) over the course of an hour with no real indication as to where it was going. I’ve said before that while I love Six Feet Under to death and that I think Ball’s a better television writer than he is a playwright or a screenwriter, he’s also very uneven. I want True Blood to be good, because the core concept has a lot of potential and deals a lot with themes common to Ball (the vampires are basically coming “out of the closet”, after all), but I also think it has the potential to be a tremendous disappointment.
I like Anna Paquin, though – she’s one of those child actors who was able to win an Oscar at a very young age and have a pretty decent career afterwards. (Go rent the adaptation of The Member of the Wedding she did. Or The 25th Hour. Or The Squid and the Whale. And when the hell are we going to get a release date on Margaret?) So her involvement makes me a little more optimistic about this project than I was before. Lastly, on a purely superficial level, Paquin fans will be happy to know the books and script are full of sex and nudity, often involving her character. So bonus! (The sound you just heard was the sound of a thousand heads exploding.)"
Battlestar Galactica to be canceled"?

A source close to the network tells SyFy Portal that if an additional nine episodes are ordered, it will be SciFi Channel's way of telling executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick to use those additional episodes to wrap it up.
"If you're a fan, you don't want to see any more than 13 episodes," the source said. "Questions are going back and forth on whether or not [SciFi Channel] will pick the show up again. It's not a decision you make at the last minute because obviously [the network] will want to allow the show to wrap up."
SciFi Channel gave the green light for another season earlier this month, ordering "at least" 13 episodes. There was some speculation that this was only a partial order, with producer David Weddle telling SyFy Portal soon after the announcement that the network was still trying to decide whether it would order 13 episodes or 22.
Networks typically order partial seasons of shows they are not sure will survive through an entire season, and don't want to pay for episodes it doesn't plan to air. Normally, if a show performs strong enough, the network will pick up the remaining episodes to fill out the season. Apparently, however, these nine episodes are not meant to be held as a reward for a full season, but meant to be used in case SciFi Channel decides it's time for the story to come to an end.
While it might seem to be a slap in the face for fans of "Battlestar Galactica," which has received critical acclaim yet has struggled to find a basic cable audience, the source said this is the highest form of respect a network could give an underperforming series.
While it might seem to be a slap in the face for fans of "Battlestar Galactica," which has received critical acclaim yet has struggled to find a basic cable audience, the source said this is the highest form of respect a network could give an underperforming series.
"Not every show gets an opportunity like this," the source said. "The 'Battlestar' story could have ended right then and there at the end of the fourth [season], but having these episodes in their hip pocket, [SciFi Channel] can let the show end on the producers' terms."
Of course, none of this has been confirmed by SciFi Channel or anyone on the "Battlestar Galactica" production staff, so it should be treated as any rumor would.
"Battlestar Galactica" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on SciFi Channel."
"Battlestar Galactica" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on SciFi Channel."
Interesting casting rumors for Trek XI

That might sound like some fanboy's dream, but that's what one Web site claims are the three people who will resurrect television's most popular trio of all time in "Star Trek XI."
What are the chances that some of the biggest names in Hollywood are lining up to play Star Trek's biggest characters? Not likely. Especially since it seems a bit convenient that it's just repeating rumors that have been going around over and over again for months, but IGN Movies says they have the scoop.
What are the chances that some of the biggest names in Hollywood are lining up to play Star Trek's biggest characters? Not likely. Especially since it seems a bit convenient that it's just repeating rumors that have been going around over and over again for months, but IGN Movies says they have the scoop.
According to the site, Damon -- who won an Oscar with Ben Affleck for writing "Good Will Hunting" in the 1990s -- apparently is in talks with Paramount Pictures about becoming the star of the film expected to be directed by J.J. Abrams. "Damon brings star power and an acting pedigree to the role that should convince audiences that this is a serious reboot of the beloved franchise," IGN reports.
Brody would take on the role of Spock, according to the site, taking over a role that Leonard Nimoy originally made famous. And finally Oscar nominee Sinise will reportedly succeed the late DeForrest Kelley as McCoy, the feisty southern doctor who complete the Enterprise trio.
"Those are the three actors that our studio insider advised us were the closest to being cast, with Damon's talks sayd to be further along than the rest," IGN reported. "We have also heard of an actor being eyed for the role of Enterprise helmsman Lt. Sulu: Daniel Dae Kim ('Jin Kwon' on 'Lost')."
"Those are the three actors that our studio insider advised us were the closest to being cast, with Damon's talks sayd to be further along than the rest," IGN reported. "We have also heard of an actor being eyed for the role of Enterprise helmsman Lt. Sulu: Daniel Dae Kim ('Jin Kwon' on 'Lost')."
Of course if Kim's involvement were true, that would make the third incarnation of Star Trek he would've been involved in, playing Gotana-Retz in the 2000 "Star Trek: Voyager" episode "Blink of an Eye" as well as a recurring role as Cpl. Chang in "Star Trek: Enterprise."
Finally, in the last bit of IGN's revelations, the site reports that James McAvoy, just seen Sunday night representing "The Last King of Scotland" at the 79th Annual Academy Awards, would be in line to play Montgomery Scott.
Finally, in the last bit of IGN's revelations, the site reports that James McAvoy, just seen Sunday night representing "The Last King of Scotland" at the 79th Annual Academy Awards, would be in line to play Montgomery Scott.
So there you are. The major roles, outside of Uhura and Chekov, would be played by Damon, Brody, Sinise, Kim and McAvoy. If such a report was true, then that would mean for the first time in probably ever, every single rumor surrounding the next Star Trek film would be true.
Damon, most recently in "The Good Shepherd" as well as the Oscar-winning "The Departed" has never latched on to major franchises in his career. He has preferred movies that in more cases than not have been considered light comedies or possible Oscar contenders. Brody has had a similar background, something typical of actors who receive considerable Oscar attention.
McAvoy has not denied being in talks for "Star Trek XI," and there are still some serious rumblings that he could very much indeed be pursuing a role in the film. And Sinise has been known to take on genre-type films like "Mission to Mars," but he's been quite busy with "CSI: NY" which goes back into production around the same time "Star Trek XI" is expected to be filmed.
Damon, most recently in "The Good Shepherd" as well as the Oscar-winning "The Departed" has never latched on to major franchises in his career. He has preferred movies that in more cases than not have been considered light comedies or possible Oscar contenders. Brody has had a similar background, something typical of actors who receive considerable Oscar attention.
McAvoy has not denied being in talks for "Star Trek XI," and there are still some serious rumblings that he could very much indeed be pursuing a role in the film. And Sinise has been known to take on genre-type films like "Mission to Mars," but he's been quite busy with "CSI: NY" which goes back into production around the same time "Star Trek XI" is expected to be filmed.
SyFy Portal has received past reports that casting is indeed underway, but only time will tell if the group of actors IGN is claiming to be working their way to joining "Star Trek XI" is real, or simply a real bad holodeck simulation."
Another take on Dunst

How did this happen?

The 20-year-old twins earned an estimated $40 million last year from their retail empire to beat Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe to the top of the new rich list. Radcliffe earned an estimated $13 million in 2006 to come in second. Actresses Lindsay Lohan, Dakota Fanning and Amanda Bynes rounded out the top five on the new list.
I started to look up what they meant by "the Olsen's retail empire", but then I got bored and stopped. Much like I did with my karate. I was the greatest champion ever and decided it was time to walk away. But then they kidnapped my daughter to blackmail me into killing the President. They thought they could control me, but my hands are weapons of justice and my karate chops are tools of freedom!"
Nicolas Cage continues his wrath of celluloid destruction

Inexplicably, Hulk 2 moves forward

Eric Bana will not be returning for the sequel but the director does say that they are very close to casting the new Bruce Banner. There have been a lot of rumors regarding "Hulk 2," particularly since Eric Banadecided not to return to reprise his role as the mean green machine for the sequel. This will make "Hulk" the first comic film franchise since "Batman" to recast the main character while the films were still being turned out regularly, and that wild card variable places more pressure on this sequel than most others these days. Brendan Fraser and David Duchovny had both been mentioned as possible replacements, but neither rumor has turned out to be true. Now that the gossip has been dispelled, Comic-Con brings real news. The announcement was made that Louis Leterrier will be directing "The Incredible Hulk."
Leterrier co-directed and was an artistic director on "The Transporter" and then helmed "The Transporter 2," both starring Jason Statham. So, the French director has experience bringing a sequel to life on his own and keeping it true to the best aspects of the original, and even better his directorial debut and his solo directorial flight were super-action movies of high quality in their genre. Before he started playing his hand behind the camera, Leterrier also worked on "Alien: Resurrection" and "The Messenger."
IGN.com quoted some of Leterrier's comments from the panel at the convention; "It's Marvel's horror movie... It's 'Frankenstein,' it's 'Jekyll and Hyde' and a little 'Edward Scissorhands.'... The good thing about number twos is that you don't waste your time on the origin." Leterrier also spoke about the villain for the next movie; "I think we needed an anti-Hulk this time. Abomination is mega-bad Hulk."
The original "Hulk" movie took in $245 million worldwide, a little more than half of that accounting for domestic gross, and it cost $137 million to make. And, many fans have said that "Hulk" could have done much better if it hadn't been for some shortcomings of the film. It's apparent from his encouraging words that Leterrier knows his stuff about sequels, especially since the origins in the first "Hulk" were partially to blame for fan disappointment. The new director has also promised there will be no gamma-zapped Hulk-ing poodles this time. Some also thought the climax of the film, the big battle with the bad guy, Banner's father (Nick Nolte), was too confusing and convoluted by the virtually implicit action.
"The Incredible Hulk" might just be the promised land that "Hulk" seemed it would be. When "Spider-Man" premiered in 2002 to the sounds of cheering audiences with the "Hulk" trailer in front of it, hopes soared high that Marvel was on a winning streak and "Hulk" would be the "Spider-Man" of 2003. But, when the next year came, audiences were not as thoroughly and massively won over by "Hulk" as they were by the comic book fan event that was Sam Raimi's masterful Spidey film. Suddenly, The Hulk has a chance to redeem itself to those that were less than impressed with his theatrical debut. Now, the sequel has a comic style title (which may or may not stick; "Spider-Man 2" was supposed to be "The Amazing Spider-Man") and it has a new director with all the right ideas."
Monday, February 26, 2007
Kirsten Dunst always looks great
So what's the deal with Sin City 2?

"The script is largely done, and now we're in that limbo zone where we're casting and making script adjustments as we go," Miller said in an interview while promoting "300," which he executive-produced and which is also based on one of his graphic novels.Miller added that the sequel will be based on "A Dame to Kill for," the second "Sin City" tale and a prequel to "The Hard Goodbye," which was the basis of one of the first film's storylines.
The sequel will also deal with "a couple of old stories and one brand-new one," Miller said. "The old ones are a couple of 'Blue Eyes' stories, and there's an 'Old Town Girls' story, and the new one features Nancy Callahan [played by Jessica Alba] in a very different, very scary role. I'm hoping we'll start in late spring. It gets pretty hot in Austin, so there might be a summer's interruption there, but both Robert and I really want to be shooting this thing as soon as possible."'
I watched Family Guy instead

Best Achievement in Directing Winner: Martin Scorsese for THE DEPARTED
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role Winner: Forest Whitaker for THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role Winner: Helen Mirren for THE QUEEN
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role Winner: Alan Arkin for LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role Winner: Jennifer Hudson for DREAMGIRLS
Best Achievement in Editing Winner: THE DEPARTED
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song Winner: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH
Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen Winner: LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score Winner: BABEL
Best Documentary, Feature Winner: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH
Best Documentary, Short Subject Winner: THE BLOOD OF YINGZHOU DISTRICT
Best Foreign Film Winner: LEBEN DER ANDEREN, DAS
Best Achievement in Visual Effects Winner: THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN
Best Achievement in Cinematography Winner: LABERINTO DEL FAUNO, EL
Best Achievement in Costume Design Winner: MARIE ANTOINETTE
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published Winner: THE DEPARTED
Best Animated Feature Film of the Year Winner: HAPPY FEET
Best Achievement in Sound Winner: DREAMGIRLS
Best Achievement in Sound Editing Winner: LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA
Best Short Film, Live Action Winner: WEST BANK STORY
Best Short Film, Animated Winner: THE DANISH POET
Best Achievement in Makeup Winner: LABERINTO DEL FAUNO, EL
Best Achievement in Art Direction Winner: LABERINTO DEL FAUNO, EL
Berman discusses past Trek failures

"Star Trek was going through some changes," Berman said, according to SciFi Pulse. "['Star Trek: Deep Space Nine] had ended. ['Star Trek: Voyager'] had ended. 'Voyager's' ratings had not fared at all that well. ['Star Trek: Enterprise'] was on the air and struggling. I think that the studio was not in a big rush. Patrick Stewart was kind of busy. There was a sense I was getting from the studio that perhaps the next film we produced might be better off if we did it with a new cast.
"I felt, right or wrong, that because we were introducing a new cast with 'Enterprise' that to introduce a new cast almost simultaneously [for the movie] was not a good idea. I felt that it had been awhile, four years I beleive, since the audience had seen Picard and Co., that we should give the cast of 'The Next Generation' another shot."
But what caused "Nemesis" to be the only movie of 10 in the Star Trek line to actually bomb? Many critics point to the fact that it opened just days before "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers," but Berman believes other factors had to be involved.
"I don't think that's a valid complaint because if that were true, we would have done better in other countries where it did not open close to that film," Berman said. "I don't know what to blame it on. The reviews of the film were, I would say, 80 percent miserable, as were the opening weekend numbers. It went against the tracking, the quite scientific approach the studios use to determine how a film is going to do. The film did nowhere near as well as the tracking results had predicted."
"I don't think that's a valid complaint because if that were true, we would have done better in other countries where it did not open close to that film," Berman said. "I don't know what to blame it on. The reviews of the film were, I would say, 80 percent miserable, as were the opening weekend numbers. It went against the tracking, the quite scientific approach the studios use to determine how a film is going to do. The film did nowhere near as well as the tracking results had predicted."
Berman said he wanted a good segue between the original "Star Trek" cast and that of "The Next Generation" when "Star Trek Generations" came around in 1994, and even had a big-name director (at least in Trekdom) chosen to take it on.
"When it came time to select a director, after everybody was happy with the script, the first person we agreed we would go talk to was Leonard Nimoy," Berman said. "Leonard was not pleased with the script. He wanted to do some pretty dramatic work on redeveloping the script and there was a lot of differing opinions on what evolved at that point, but let it be said there were disagreements and the end result was that there was a bit of a falling out and Leonard's involvement with the project did not happen."
For more of Berman's discussion about past Star Trek movies, check out Sci-Fi Pulse's transcription by clicking here.
Cameron likes to poke beehives with sticks

27 years ago, Israeli construction workers found an ancient tomb. Inside were sarcophagi; a decade later the names on the coffin were deciphered, and they were Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua. Common enough names for the region and the time, but Cameron, producing a documentary directed by Simcha Jacobovici, believes to have proof that the Jesua (read: Jesus) in the tomb is none other than the Son of God, who supposedly died on the cross… and who didn’t live to sire a son with Mary Magdalene.
Cameron’s giving a press conference Monday, where he’ll talk about the DNA* and historical evidence that will be presented in the documentary. It’ll be interesting to see what he’s come up with, but it’ll be just as interesting to see the Christian response. Here’s the thing about the faithful: no matter how much proof you show them, they won’t believe what they don’t want to believe. We’re supposed to respect that sort of inane inflexibility. If he could prove that Jesus not only didn’t ascend to heaven and had a kid but was also black, he’d definitely take home the Best Documentary Oscar next year. You know how the Academy is filled with Jewish liberal America haters.*I get the feeling Cameron is checking the DNA against his own. That's a God Complex joke."
Wes Craven talks about a lot of junk including, shudder, Scream 4

'Creepy' and 'Eerie comic adaptations coming to life

The first Image of Michael Myers from that Halloween remake

'Basic Instinct 2' wins 4 Razzies

LOS ANGELES — Sharon Stone should have trusted her first Basic Instinct and left it alone, according to voters of the Razzies, which mocks the worst of Hollywood.
Basic Instinct 2 won four Razzies on Saturday, including worst picture and worst actress for Stone. The Wayans brothers comedy Little Man placed second with three Razzies, including shared prizes by Shawn and Marlon Wayans for worst actor and worst screen couple. A follow-up to Stone's career-making 1992 hit, Basic Instinct 2 revived her femme-fatale predator for a murder thriller set in London, with relatively unknown British actor David Morrissey inheriting the victim's mantle from Michael Douglas, the star of the first film who did not return for the sequel. Razzies founder John Wilson said that while Stone still looked good in her late 40s, the movie had no other reason to exist. "Yes, she still has some excuse to drop her robe, but the dialogue, the story, the overall attitude of the character is cartoon-like," Wilson said. "You have to sort of wonder, is she vamping the movie or does she think she's giving a serious performance? Is she the lone person on the project who got the joke?" The other Razzies for Basic Instinct 2 were worst screenplay and worst prequel or sequel. Along with the Razzies for the two Wayans, Little Man also won for worst remake or rip-off because it essentially took the premise of a Bugs Bunny cartoon about a pint-sized hoodlum masquerading as a baby and expanded it to feature length, Wilson said. The images of Marlon Wayans' grafted head on a 2 1/2-foot man's body were creepy rather than comical, Wilson said. "I will admit there is 'so stupid it's funny,' but there is also 'so stupid, get out of my face,' and that's what this movie is," Wilson said.
Filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan, a Hollywood darling a few years ago with such blockbusters as The Sixth Sense and Signs, was named worst director and worst supporting actor for his fantasy flop, Lady in the Water. Unable to get Disney, which made his previous hits, to back Lady in the Water, Shyamalan decamped to Warner Bros., which produced the movie that was based on a bedtime story the filmmaker dreamed up for his children. The movie follows the plight of a mythical water nymph that turns up in a swimming pool at an apartment complex, whose residents band together to send her back to her otherworldly home. Shyamalan has a pivotal role as a writer whose book will one day bring salvation to humanity. "He cast himself as the savior role of the film on top of everything else," Wilson said. "Shyamalan falls into one of the traps that's almost guaranteed to win you a Razzie, when you let your ego run rampant as that man did." Carmen Electra won for worst supporting actress for Date Movie and Scary Movie 4, the latter featuring her as a character that spoofs Shyamalan's The Village. Robin Williams' road-trip comedy RV was chosen as worst excuse for family entertainment.
Inexplicably, Ghost Rider still riding high

The comic-book adaptation about the motorcycling superhero took the top spot at the box office for the second straight weekend, a rarity for a comic book hero other than Batman, Spider-Man or Superman. The Nicolas Cage adventure took in $19.7 million and held off a slew of newcomers, studio estimates from box office trackers Nielsen EDI show. The film has earned $78.7 million in 10 days, a sign it has moved beyond comic book fans and into the mainstream.
CHART: The top 10
Jim Carrey's The Number 23 was second with $15.1 million, about $5 million less than projections. Reno 911!: Miami took fourth place with $10.4 million, about $4 million less than expected. The fantasy Bridge to Terabithia was third with $13.6 million, and Norbit was fifth with $9.7 million.
Stephen King speaks at NYCC

-Right now there are no plans to bring on any other artist for the Dark Tower comics. King loved Jae Lee's work and says that these books are firmly Lee's, Furth's and David's vision.
-The comics will follow Roland through Mejis (all Book 4 stuff), but it definitely WILL go past Book 4 and all the way up to Jericho Hill, which King demanded a giant splash page from Lee.
- Regarding further Dark Tower comics, King said, "There's always more stories."
- Hal from 2001 inspired Blaine the Mono (and that is the truth).
- When King writes, he doesn't see his characters, he doesn't tend to visualize them. "It's like I'm behind their eyes... maybe if they looked in a mirror..."
- King views the Dark Tower series as a first draft and plans to rewrite the entire series, but he promises he won't make them the Special Editions. The originals will always be out there.
Now for the two biggest newsworthy bits to come out of the panel:
Now for the two biggest newsworthy bits to come out of the panel:
- When asked if he'd turn another one of his books into a comic series with Marvel, King said he and Quesada were just beginning to talk about doing a version of The Stand as a Comic series. That made me perk up. How cool would that be?
- And the JJ Abrams bit. King said that Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams did express interest, especially Damon, and wanted to develop the project. King said he was resistant to everybody in the past, but trusted Abrams and Lindelof. He said he trusted Frank Darabont, too, but he felt Frank always had too much on his plate. When Abrams and Lindelof approached King about trying to make the project work, King responded, "I'll tell you what... you can option the books and see what you can do with it." Nothing is set up, but they have the option... and if it doesn't work out, then no harm no foul, yeah? How much did Abrams and Lindelof pay for the option? $19, of course.
So, yes. They have the option. I talked with King an hour or so after the panel (a true geek out moment if there ever was one) and got more out of him about Abrams' plan. I'll have that out to you in less than 2 days, so keep an eye out for that in the very near future.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
More on that Justice League flick

From Variety, "DC Comics super-team Justice League is heading for the bigscreen. Michele and Kieran MulroneyBatman may meet up with Superman on the bigscreen after all -- along with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash and all the rest of DC Comics' biggest names.
Warner Bros., with its major appetite for fresh franchises, is looking to make a feature based on super team the Justice League of America, hiring writing duo Kiernan and Michele Mulroney to pen the script. It's the first major action the studio has taken on the project. Feature film is bound to include some combination of DC's most iconic superheroes, although the studio wouldn't confirm which ones they might be. It's unlikely that the studio and DC Comics, a division of Warner, would opt to feature second-tier characters.
Since its inception in 1960, JLA has featured almost every major hero in the DC Comics universe, although the core team has largely remained the same: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. The heroes typically band together to fight alien menaces or groups of supervillains. "The Justice League of America has been a perennial favorite for generations of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audiences will be as strong and diverse as the characters themselves," Warner prexy of production Jeff Robinov said in announcing the hiring of the Mulroneys. In taking on the ambitious project, Warner faces several conundrums.
Warner Senior VP Dan Lin will oversee for the studio. Now that the Batman and Superman film franchises have been revived, does the studio go after Christian Bale ("Batman Begins") and Brandon Routh ("Superman Returns") to star in a Justice League pic? Studio is also trying hard to bring Wonder Woman to the bigscreen. To a large degree, casting will depend upon the story arc for the JLA feature and at what point in the superheroes' lives the plot takes place.
Warner also must deal with myriad producers working on the Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman franchises. Studio dropped its efforts to make "Batman vs. Superman" in order to focus on relaunching "Batman" and "Superman" as individual properties, which it has done.
Filmmakers Chris Nolan ("Batman Begins") and Bryan Singer ("Superman Returns") are each on board to helm the next installments in the two respective franchises. Nolan's "The Dark Knight" is eyeing a 2008 release and the next "Superman," 2009. The potential payoff of bringing JLA to theaters can't be ignored by Warner, which turns out more tentpoles than any other studio. Comicbook fans have long clamored for a movie version of JLA, and word of the Warner project is certain to be a hot topic at New York Comic Con, which unspools today in Gotham. JLA has spawned several cartoon TV series, including 1960s and '70s show "Super Friends" and current Cartoon Network skein "Justice League Unlimited" from Warner Bros. Animation. The Mulroneys -- Kieran is the brother of thesp Dermot Mulroney -- caught the attention of studios around town with their rewrite of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" for Fox.
Other screenplay projects include "On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction," "Paper Man" and "Worst Case." Kieran and Michele Mulroney are repped by Creative Artists Agency and Management 360."
Warner Bros., with its major appetite for fresh franchises, is looking to make a feature based on super team the Justice League of America, hiring writing duo Kiernan and Michele Mulroney to pen the script. It's the first major action the studio has taken on the project. Feature film is bound to include some combination of DC's most iconic superheroes, although the studio wouldn't confirm which ones they might be. It's unlikely that the studio and DC Comics, a division of Warner, would opt to feature second-tier characters.
Since its inception in 1960, JLA has featured almost every major hero in the DC Comics universe, although the core team has largely remained the same: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. The heroes typically band together to fight alien menaces or groups of supervillains. "The Justice League of America has been a perennial favorite for generations of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audiences will be as strong and diverse as the characters themselves," Warner prexy of production Jeff Robinov said in announcing the hiring of the Mulroneys. In taking on the ambitious project, Warner faces several conundrums.
Warner Senior VP Dan Lin will oversee for the studio. Now that the Batman and Superman film franchises have been revived, does the studio go after Christian Bale ("Batman Begins") and Brandon Routh ("Superman Returns") to star in a Justice League pic? Studio is also trying hard to bring Wonder Woman to the bigscreen. To a large degree, casting will depend upon the story arc for the JLA feature and at what point in the superheroes' lives the plot takes place.
Warner also must deal with myriad producers working on the Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman franchises. Studio dropped its efforts to make "Batman vs. Superman" in order to focus on relaunching "Batman" and "Superman" as individual properties, which it has done.
Filmmakers Chris Nolan ("Batman Begins") and Bryan Singer ("Superman Returns") are each on board to helm the next installments in the two respective franchises. Nolan's "The Dark Knight" is eyeing a 2008 release and the next "Superman," 2009. The potential payoff of bringing JLA to theaters can't be ignored by Warner, which turns out more tentpoles than any other studio. Comicbook fans have long clamored for a movie version of JLA, and word of the Warner project is certain to be a hot topic at New York Comic Con, which unspools today in Gotham. JLA has spawned several cartoon TV series, including 1960s and '70s show "Super Friends" and current Cartoon Network skein "Justice League Unlimited" from Warner Bros. Animation. The Mulroneys -- Kieran is the brother of thesp Dermot Mulroney -- caught the attention of studios around town with their rewrite of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" for Fox.
Other screenplay projects include "On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction," "Paper Man" and "Worst Case." Kieran and Michele Mulroney are repped by Creative Artists Agency and Management 360."
It's official, Abrams to direct Trek XI!

So wow... how amazing is that?
So there you have it. What's happening with DARK TOWERS? Ask Quint, he's talking with Stephen King later today. Let's see what the King has to say about Roland. But for now - aren't you glad that all the rumors that I was continually telling you weren't true, weren't true? Nice to see JJ was shooting straight with us.
This is an incredibly exciting project - now let's see how angry we get over the casting of Kirk and Spock. How about Russell Crowe as Kirk and Daniel Day Lewis as Spock? Oh wait, they're probably going much younger than that. Hmmmm..."
Friday, February 23, 2007
The Fantastic Mr. Fox


For Marc

Thanks to everybody that sent this in. And when I say 'thanks' I mean it in the loosest least thankful way possible."
Mickey Mouse likes money

Weaver exercises judgment

This ghost will ride again. Of course.

Wild Hogs as bad as the commercials would have you believe?

But it is for my mom. And probably your mom. You see, never before have I seen a film so succinctly marketed, that knows its audience so well and yet isn’t targeted at some small demographic or group like us geeks, but instead is targeted right at the very heart of middle America. Imagine the best geek aimed films you’ve ever seen. Films chock full of cameos that don’t bother to explain themselves – you know, like Miike in Hostel or Tom Savini of Dawn of the Dead – then imagine jokes geared towards the type of humor that gets you howling. Then, just to top it off, add in a pair of your favorite comedians, the hunky A-List actor you’ve been dreaming about/wishing you were since 1977 and then round that out with one of the best character actors alive.
Now imagine that instead of making that movie for you – someone tried to make it for your mom. That’s Wild Hogs. I mean, if you’re the type of person that will laugh at Ty from Extreme Makeover Home Edition showing up to rebuild one of the characters homes, then this movie is for you. If you think a Biker movie isn’t complete without an appearance by both Peter Fonda and the American Chopper guys, then this movie is for you. And if nothing gets you rolling in the aisles like good old fashion Mr. Roper/Jack Tripper sexual misunderstanding gay innuendo – then this movie is DEFINITELY for you. And on that level, every joke works. Hell, the audience in the packed theatre I was in was positively in hysterics. I couldn’t hear moments of dialog over the laughter.
This thing was scientifically engineered to be the Bread Basket’s favorite comedy of the year. I mean for Christ’s sake, Marisa Tomei is the romantic lead. No. I’m not kidding. The women next to me went apeshit. Wait! Who is that? That’s Marisa Tomei. Oh! I love her! Hell, during the Extreme Makeover gag, members of the audience all knew when to scream “Move that bus!”
And they did.
This film knows its audience. This film is a crowd pleaser. And if you read this site with any regularity whatsoever, then this movie is absolutely, positively NOT FOR YOU. But you already know that. You saw the trailer for this, uttered the words No, fuck no and I’m here to tell you that you’re right. Just be ready for when your mom tells you how much fun it is. And no, you shouldn’t trust her. Just smile and nod.
That said, if for some reason you get roped into this, it won’t kill you. It’s cute and its heart is in the right place. It gets kind of depressing at times when you realize that there isn’t a single actor in the film that you haven’t seen in a movie ten times better than what you’re watching. Not one. Yes, even Martin Lawrence. But I have to admit there were some giggles and a smile or two – and hell, it only has one shot to the balls in the whole film, which makes it 57 times less base and bottom dwelling as Little Man. Sure, it’s playing to the cheap seats – just not the cheap, cheap seats. It aims low, but never rolls into the gutter.
So really, what I’m trying to tell you is no, you probably won’t want to see this, but it is probably an inevitability. It’ll be on at your sister’s house, or on cable, or back to back on TNT with Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. So be ready. It’s gonna be bigger than you want it to and you’ll stumble across it eventually. It ain’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen – hell, it ain’t even the worst motorcycle movie with an appearance by Peter Fonda that I’ve seen in the last week. But I’ll never watch it again. And I can’t recommend it to you.
I will however call my Mom first thing in the morning and tell her to buy tickets for herself and my dad. They’re gonna love the living shit out of this thing.
What the Fock? Remember when De Niro used to make good choices?

Producers are working with Jay Roach, who directed both "Meet the Parents" and "Meet the Fockers," to hatch the third pic.
Hope is to bring back not only Ben Stiller, De Niro, Teri Polo and Blythe Danner, but also Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand. The effort makes strong financial sense: "Meet the Parents" grossed $330 million worldwide, "Meet the Fockers" $515 million.
Script will be written by Larry Stuckey, Roach's former assistant who collaborated with the director on several scripts, including a remake of "Elling" at Fox and an untitled outsourcing comedy at Universal.
Script will be written by Larry Stuckey, Roach's former assistant who collaborated with the director on several scripts, including a remake of "Elling" at Fox and an untitled outsourcing comedy at Universal.
For Universal, the Tribeca deal is the second overall pact to be renewed after the studio brought Working Title partners Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner back into the fold. Studio is also eager to reup Imagine partners Brian Grazer and Ron Howard, whose deal expires at the end of the year.
De Niro and Rosenthal are coming off "The Good Shepherd," the De Niro-directed CIA drama that Universal distributed through its output deal with financier-producer Morgan Creek."Tribeca has been responsible for such a diverse group of successful movies, and both Jane and Bob have a real love for film that shows in everything they've done with us," said U president of production Donna Langley. "This marks eight years that Tribeca has had a deal at Universal, and we look forward to continuing this very fruitful partnership."
De Niro and Rosenthal are coming off "The Good Shepherd," the De Niro-directed CIA drama that Universal distributed through its output deal with financier-producer Morgan Creek."Tribeca has been responsible for such a diverse group of successful movies, and both Jane and Bob have a real love for film that shows in everything they've done with us," said U president of production Donna Langley. "This marks eight years that Tribeca has had a deal at Universal, and we look forward to continuing this very fruitful partnership."
Transformers promises to be confusing

"There are so many things that make it Transformers, but there's no one classic story, like Spider-Man's death of Gwen Stacy or something like that," Murphy told SciFi Wire recently. "I think it proved a little bit tricky. What the real balance was that if you just wanted robots smashing robots, then that's computer animation or that's 2-D animation. And what we were always trying to do was a live-action movie. So you kind of have a nice balance now between the robots and the human interactions. And the first movie, as I'm sure you already know, is about the arrival of the Autobots and the Decepticons to Earth."
Helmed by Michael Bay, the "Transformers" movie will reveal background information about how the war between the Autobots and Decepticons began. Everything starts when Sam Witwicky (played by Shia LaBeouf) comes across hundred-year-old glasses that belonged to his grandfather. He finds a map and how to find the "Energon" cube etched by a laser on the lenses. The final conflict between the warring robots starts at Hoover Dam, then concludes in Los Angeles.
The movie will include a lot of the first set of Transformers. "Everything that the original writer, John Rogers, had grown up on," Murphy said. "When additional screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman came on to do their subsequent drafts, it was all the first season, because that was what I think had been earmarked as the traditional thing, as this is what kids grew up on and everything."
"Transformers" will appear in movie theaters on July 4."
Warner Brothers hires losers to ruin another potential superhero franchise

Scorsese to direct children's book?

Published last month by Scholastic, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" concerns a 12-year-old orphan who lives in the walls of a Paris train station in 1930 and a mystery involving the boy, his late father and a robot.
I'll be interested to see how Scorsese adapts his typically tough-guy style of filmmaking to a children's book. I'll be even more interested to see how the kids react when the movie's robot, now Italian and played by Robert DeNiro, pulls the orphan boy's teeth out one by one for disrespecting his robot family."
Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Hollywood Elseware reports that Ryan Murphy will be directing an interesting film entitled Alfred Hitchcock Presents, a drama about the making of Hitchcock's Psycho, and particularly the hurdles and roadblocks that the great British director went through in order to bring it come to fruition. Hitchcock was discouraged left and right from making it. The script was seen as way too dark and perverse (especially with the lead female star getting killed off after 45 minutes), and no one wanted to see a movie based more or less on the macabre exploits of serial killer Ed Gein.They also report that Hitchcock might possibly to be played by Anthony Hopkins!In addition the website claims that they don't know exactly when Alfred Hitchcock Presents might shoot, but were told that it's definitely real. Universal, Hitchcock's home studio for the last 15 or so years of his life, may be involved as a financier-distributor.If and when it happens, the plan is for Helen Mirren to play Alma Reville, Hitch- cock's wife and lifelong creative collaborator. Psycho was shot for Paramount, although Universal founder and Hitchcock confidante Lew Wasserman occupies a portion of the script. Psycho costars Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh are also "characters," I'm told, but not large ones. Presumably screenwriter Joseph Stefano will also figure in.
Mary Shelley's Last Man Wraps Production

What makes this truly independent epic so intriguing is that it was produced on a budget about the size of Robert Rodriguez' "El Mariachi", yet spans seven months of photography across the American Southwest, offering scenes of great scope usually associated with big budget studio pictures, including, the burning of an American city, jumbo jets, nuclear blasts, impressive crowd scenes and downtown street warfare with automatic weapons that have never before been attempted in a guerrilla film.
Mary Shelley's "The Last Man" is perhaps the first guerrilla feature film to successfully attempt to produce an epic with production values that far surpass "The Omega Man" and "The Last Man On Earth", offering an independent companion within the "Last Man" genre for those awaiting the upcoming release of the Warner Bros Studio production of "I Am Legend" starring Will Smith.
23 reasons to skip this one

By Claudia Puig, USA TODAY
The Number 23 is an inane numbers game pretending to be a suspenseful psychological thriller. Not only is it not frightening, it's downright laughable.
Its compilation of the inherent creepiness of this random number is the numerical equivalent of gibberish. It feels like the cinematic version of those nonsensical symbols that sometimes appear on your computer screen in place of an e-mail message.
DO THE MATH: See a clip from The Number 23
Its compilation of the inherent creepiness of this random number is the numerical equivalent of gibberish. It feels like the cinematic version of those nonsensical symbols that sometimes appear on your computer screen in place of an e-mail message.
DO THE MATH: See a clip from The Number 23
Jim Carrey is woefully miscast as the everyman Walter Sparrow, a fatherly dog-catcher who becomes obsessed by a novel titled The Number 23. Virginia Madsen plays Agatha, his long-suffering wife who gives new meaning to the concept of supportiveness. When she discovers him asleep with a slew of numbers scrawled on his arm, à la Memento, and the message "Agatha. Kill her," wouldn't it be the time to suggest he seek professional help? Instead, she stands by her man. Even when she learns hideous, uncontested things about his past, she staunchly defends him as a good husband and father. The plot is equally inexplicable: contrived, incoherent and tedious.
As directed by Joel Schumacher, it's like a bad imitation of David Fincher's Seven. In fact, it includes nearly every horror movie cliché. (A particular favorite: Madsen's search for clues in the middle of the night in an abandoned mental hospital, now boarded up and surrounded by barbed wire.)
The biggest mystery about The Number 23 is why Carrey, who gave such a wondrously subtle performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, would stoop to taking this silly role.
Here's our homage to the film's tortured permutations of the numerals 2 and 3: 3 minus 2 equals 1. And there is only one reason to see this movie: You have absolutely nothing better to do.
Here's our homage to the film's tortured permutations of the numerals 2 and 3: 3 minus 2 equals 1. And there is only one reason to see this movie: You have absolutely nothing better to do.
Dr. Quinn will care for Bond once again

The Earth stands still again

From Darkhorizons, "The 1950s spawned many notable sci-fi classics with several of them, notably "The Time Machine" and "War of the Worlds", having been remade. Others however are still in the works like "When Worlds Collide", yet arguably the most famous one has remain hereto untouched - until now.1951's "The Day the Earth Stood Still" tells of a humanoid alien who comes to Earth to warn its leaders not to take their conflicts into space, or they will face lethal consequences. A demonstration of his resolve is that all electrical power on Earth is suspended for half an hour. Whilst the giant robot Gort, the silver alien spaceship, and even the saying "Klaatu barada nikto" have become cemented in popular culture, the film still stands as one of the more acclaimed and provocative pics of the era with underlying themes of religious symbolism, paranoia and an underlying message of piece combined with a dark and cynical take on human society.Now, Boxoffice Mojo reports that 20th Century Fox has staked out May 9th of next year for release of a remake of the project. One posting is hardly conclusive even though BOM is very reliable, but the report was then confirmed by Fox to FirstShowing.net.From the sounds of it though this is purely concept stage for now as no-one is attached, but one wonders can the remake resonate in modern times as much as the original? It'll be tough."
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Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...

(2007) * First of all let me say that as far as I could tell there are absolutely no dead teenagers in this entire film. Every year just ...