Symbolic of the struggle of the Champion each week. OR, half of the audiences at Chick Flicks with a Y chromosome Okay, now comes the part where everybody gets secretly relieved as the post goes on and they’re not the last one mentioned. This may be the only competition in the world where Honorable Mention really means what it’s supposed to, and is coveted thusly. The burdens and responsibilities of Champion are great. In much the same way that Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is NOT great. (“Red fire ants eating my eyelids off for two hours instead” was my other colorful “I would rather have…” bit for that movie. Just wanted to throw that in. Because it's true.)
You look like a foot. You've ALWAYS looked like a foot.The individual revelations and respective favorites of the 'Thon Gang were incredibly surprising. I don’t think I was ever expecting to find out that BOTH Dana’s Brain and JPX loved the Sex movie, let alone that you see Miranda’s pubes. Jaw-dropping on all fronts.
Do I care about this particular carpet matching this particular set of curtains? No I do not.So anyway, here we go with the Didn’t Quite Get The Girl But You’re Still Such An Awesome Person, I Cherish Our Friendship Too Much To Ruin It With A Championship awards:
Love Actually? Meh.
Half a good movie in need
of an editor.
(As the ONLY slightly negative review of this movie I’ve ever heard, this gets points for having the balls to just Come Out And Say It. It’s almost like criticizing Schindler’s List or Citizen Kane for having not enough hilarity. But I hear ya. I hear ya.)
Miko (and it’s always wonderful to see Miko back)
Hooker with a heart
And a gun, and a razor
Gere gets laid then cut
(Easily one of the Top 3 Pretty Woman ‘kus that give us a hammer blow of what the movie would REALLY be like in real life. Well put.)
Hugh Grant, seems charming
Except, he had Liz Hurley
What was he thinking?!

(He was thinking, metaphorically, “Ehhh…I am sick unto bloody death of every night eating the same sumptuous banquet dinner that every man on earth would kill to eat. I think I’ll just grab some McDonald’s on the way home.”)
i'll cry at movies
like raising arizona
spinal tap, WALL-E
(I’ve subconsciously noticed that each week, AC drops something in here that makes her cooler and cooler. I’ve cried at Glory, Remember the Titans, Miracle, The Rookie, For The Love Of The Game, (the last being absolutely BRILLIANT - I should have included it in the main post. It's strangely an absolutely equal, satisfying balance of Sports Guy Movie and Chick Flick. A razor wire that it walks flawlessly. Highly recommended...) along with a host of others. AC, I know where you’re coming from. Crying happens for all of us, whenever something beautiful happens. Not just when Square Jaw proposes. And JSP, you need to add Chick Flick sensitivity to your repertoire. There's Guy Movies that do exactly the same things as Chick Flicks. As far as Glory goes, for a guy viewer, the emotional shift in that particular soldier dude with the line I referenced is the same thing as the girl realizing that right under her nose the whole time has been her soul mate, and other crap like that. But the end effect, on both sexes, is the same.)
Dana’s Brain
Forget, "...the corner"
How about this? "I carried
a watermelon."

(Because of MrsX I now know this line by heart and the context it fits in, so I’ve impressed scores of women with both my Dirty Dancing dialogue knowledge, and my emotional sensitivity to the nuance of why that line is important. Ditto the “corner” thing. Well said, lady.)
Maybe I would watch
The blaxploitation version
Love, Blactually
(Absolutely hilarious to picture the same movie with Cedric, Steve Harvey, et al.)
Andre the Giant
A big man with a big heart
Know what I'm saying?
I do, sir. I do. More than you know. And yes, Andre, I DO want a peanut.Octo
Fried Green Tomatoes
I like chick-on-chick chick flicks
With cannibalism!
(I LOVED the rat-a-tat-tat of the second line. Like a haiku machine gun. If you had followed this up with a haiku on the movie “Bound,” that would have been something. Chick-on-chick chick flick indeed. Chick REALLY on chick in that one. Trust me, go watch it.)
Hooker "with herpes"
Would reflect reality
And a coke habit
Molested by dad
Beaten by pimps and homeless
Is the hooker life
He’s a weird, weird, man
He’s Matthew McConaughey
He’s "Mr. Chick flick"
(Not only did JPX have the some of the most gritty and hard-hitting of the “Real Hookers of Pretty Woman” haikus, but he also had some very elegant poetic structure to question, without explicitly ever saying so , why a random Texan who has very questionable bathing habits (I’ve heard stories) can become a worldwide heartthrob and still play bongos naked at 3 in the morning. Far be it from me to criticize, but I can only say that if the first and third lines of this haiku had switched places, the top prize would be yours.)
* drumroll, swelling romantic score *
Right now, she’s like, “Oh no. Please don’t let it be me.” Tell you what Catfreeeeek, I’ll make you a deal:
Actually there’s no deal. You won. And here’s why:
Perusing the shelves
Ah, Romantic Comedies
Tony just shivers
(Anytime Tony appears as a guest star in a haiku makes me laugh. Especially in this scenario set in the local Blockbuster. It’s like paragraphs of a novel. I can picture Tony, in that “twin Deadhead” T-shirt, shuddering and lowering his eyes in defeat. Genius.)
Let's face the facts here
Baby was slutty and
he robbed the cradle
(Yes, Cat. Yes. The truth will set us free.)
Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
Budding love in nursing home
She took her teeth out
(Graphic, disturbing and hilarious. A true Catfreeek haiku in every sense. And a movie that will likely be made someday.)
More believable
Pretty woman cast would be
Richard Gere, Monique

(I don’t know what it is, this just gets me chuckling, then laughing, then doubling over. Accurate, and hilarious just replaying that movie with Mo’nique in every one of those outfits. Mo'nique. Of all people to pick. Perfect. Laughing some horse laugh when he shuts the necklace case. Having trouble shopping. And the hot tub scene. Does Gere even get all the way in the tub?)
Nicely done, Cat.
And a very sensitive, thoughtful, square-jawed “You complete me” to everyone this week. I’m going to go blow my nose now…