First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Disney CEO Confirms Release Years for ‘Star Wars Episode VIII’ and ‘IX,’ Teases More Trilogies
From slashfilm, Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens December 18 of this year. The first Star Wars standalone film opens December 16, 2016. After that, we have a good idea of what the next few years have in store for Star Wars but nothing is 100% set in stone. For example, though every single outlet in the world has confirmed Rian Johnson is directing Star Wars Episode VIII, along with the filmmaker himself, the company has yet to acknowledge it. And though we’ve heard there will be a Star Wars movie every single year, only the two dates above are confirmed.
However, the long-term future of Star Wars was recently mentioned by Disney CEO Bob Iger. In a Disney shareholders report, he talked about seeing footage from The Force Awakens, confirmed the release years for the next two films in “this” trilogy, and failed to mention the second standalone film. There’s more, too. Read the extremely loaded Star Warssequel trilogy quote below.
Get Your Geek On (via Star Wars Underworld) got the report, which includes this statement from Iger:
As one of the few people allowed to visit the set during filming….and one of the fewer who’s seen most of the footage…I can assure the millions of Star Wars fans who have spent the last decade hoping for a new movie this one will be worth the wait. And it’s only the beginning of a new era of exceptional Star Wars storytelling; next year we’ll release our first standalone movie based on these characters, followed by Star Wars: Episode VIII in 2017, and we’ll finish this trilogy with Episode IX in 2019.
I’m almost shocked at how much information and speculation is possible in those two long sentences. Let’s run it down.
Iger has seen most of the footage from The Force Awakens.
He believes it’s “worth the wait.”
He mentions the 2016 standalone movie.
He hints the 2016 standalone movie is about “these characters,” potentially meaning characters from the new movies.
Star Wars Episode VIII will be out in 2017.
There is no mention of a second standalone movie, directed by Josh Trank, hypothetically in 2018.
Star Wars Episode IX will be out in 2019.
He refers to that film as the end of “this trilogy.” That makes it sound like there will be more.
Now, of course we assume there will be more Star Wars after Episode IX concludes the Star Wars sequel trilogy (which Rian Johnson will also most likely direct). But to hear the head of the company hint at stories beyond that, and give us further confirmations of the years to expect those movies, is exciting.
As for the standalone movies, his tease about the 2016 film is curious, as is the omission of the second standalone movie for 2018.
Nevertheless, very cool stuff here. What do you get out of Bob Iger’s Star Wars sequel trilogy statement?
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Daily Spider-Bomb! Back after a long break! By no demand whatsoever!
Cast your minds back... while we started Horrorthon, Spidey was chained up in Doc Oc's penthouse lab watching Ocky and his honked-off hireling Ox trade insults, which Ox isn't very good at. Now read on!
Ox scores best insult yet with "Squid Face," rewards brain by bashing it against steel girder.
Doc Oc has vast knowledge of various animals' recovery times from head injuries. Meanwhile, Spidey whistles "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from Life of Brian.
Spidey whines dramatically about his failure, even when there's nobody to hear...
"Ha ha! You were thinking of the head injury recovery time of a water buffalo!"
This is why I couldn't make a good supervillain. If I ever have a penthouse laboratory, you know that place is going to so freaking cool. So I might build a couple of doomsday devices there, but I'd take the trouble to set them off somewhere else. Penthouse laboratory, right? How could you blow that up? And I know a real supervillain wouldn't care. Sigh.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Confession: We Secretly Think These 2015 Movies Will Be Terrible
The Fantastic Four
From cinemablend, When The Fantastic Four reboot was first announced, I was so in. The first round of movies with Jessica Alba & company didn’t really come together, and I wanted to see someone do them correctly. Director Josh Trank seemed like the man to do it, but here we are, in mid-January, and we haven’t seen a damn piece of footage. Even more troubling, rumors are swirling that Trank destroyed the production house and was a complete dick to the crew. Now we’re getting an untold amount ofreshoots.
I desperately want this movie to work. I really, really do. But at this point, we all need to admit things look pretty bad.
Continued On Next Page >
From cinemablend, When The Fantastic Four reboot was first announced, I was so in. The first round of movies with Jessica Alba & company didn’t really come together, and I wanted to see someone do them correctly. Director Josh Trank seemed like the man to do it, but here we are, in mid-January, and we haven’t seen a damn piece of footage. Even more troubling, rumors are swirling that Trank destroyed the production house and was a complete dick to the crew. Now we’re getting an untold amount ofreshoots.
I desperately want this movie to work. I really, really do. But at this point, we all need to admit things look pretty bad.
Continued On Next Page >
Thursday, January 22, 2015
King Tut's Burial Mask Has Been "Irreversibly Damaged" by idiots
The most famous archaeological relic in the world has been damaged during a botched cleaning attempt. After being knocked off, the blue and gold braided beard on King Tut's burial mask was "hastily" glued back on with an inappropriate adhesive, damaging the item even further.
Above: King Tut's burial mask before the incident. (Egyptian Museum in Cairo)
Brace yourselves, folks. This story is all kinds of messed up. As The Associated Press is reporting, it appears that the beard was quickly glued back on by curators at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo with epoxy, an "irreversible material" that's completely unsuitable for a restoration effort of this importance. Conservators at the museum revealed the incident yesterday.
Frustratingly, the story isn't entirely clear because three of the museum's curators are offering conflicting accounts. It's not known when the incident happened, or whether the iconic beard was accidentally knocked off or removed because it was loose. What we do know, however, is that the curators were "ordered" from above to fix it quickly and that epoxy was used. All three curators refused to give their names for fear of professional reprisals. From the AP report:
"The mask should have been taken to the conservation lab but they were in a rush to get it displayed quickly again and used this quick drying, irreversible material," the conservator added.
The conservator said that the mask now shows a gap between the face and the beard, whereas before it was directly attached: "Now you can see a layer of transparent yellow."
But the story gets worse. It appears that the curators inadvertently got some of the epoxy on the face of the mask — and they used a spatula in an effort to get it off, damaging the relic even further:
Another museum conservator, who was present at the time of the repair, said that epoxy had dried on the face of the boy king's mask and that a colleague used a spatula to remove it, leaving scratches. The first conservator, who inspects the artifact regularly, confirmed the scratches and said it was clear that they had been made by a tool used to scrape off the epoxy.
Egypt's Antiquities Ministry and the museum administration are not responding to media requests, but one of the conservators said an investigation is currently underway.
[ Telegraph/AP ]
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Fill The Oceans With Concrete: Rare And Very Ugly Frilled Shark Caught In Australia
From geekology, Seen here looking suspiciously like a chestburster, the frilled shark caught by Australian fishermen near Victoria wishes it was still in the water. Hoho, maybe next time you'll think twice before trying to renege on a deal with Ursula!
The species, whose ancestry dates back 80 million years, is known as the 'living fossil'.
"It has 300 teeth over 25 rows, so once you're in that mouth, you're not coming out," [Fisherman Simon] Boag said.
"We couldn't find a fisherman who had ever seen one before," he said.
"It does look 80 million years old. It looks prehistoric, it looks like it's from another time!"
He said local fishermen were left scratching their heads at the sight of the two-metre-long creature, whose head and body resemble an eel, but whose tail is more reminiscent of a shark.
I don't know about you, but if I was a fisherman and caught something like this, I wouldn't be a fisherman anymore. *hauls in frilled shark* Nope, f*** this, the oceans weren't made for people. I knew I should have been an astronaut. "NASA didn't want you." Fine, a fireman. "You failed every physical fitness test." A teacher? "You hate children." I should just live at home and let my parents take care of me.
Keep going for several more pictures of the no thank you.
Continue Reading →
Another Original 'Star Wars' Star Hospitalized
From iwatchstuff, Like Harrison Ford before him, Peter Mayhew has demonstrated why we should be careful having septuagenerians jumping around a chilly Millennium Falcon. Mayhew, better known toStar Wars fans as Chewbacca, has reportedly been hospitalized with pneumonia. On Reddit, Mayhew's wife confirmed the report but thankfully offered good news towards the actor's improvement.
"Peter is indeed in the hospital with pneumonia," she wrote. "He will make a full recovery, and hope to be discharged within a few days. Doctors are incredibly happy with his improvements."
Production has already wrapped on The Force Awakens, but the infection may yet affect the film, as J.J. Abrams is said to now be re-considering the callback where Han says, "Laugh it up, fuzz-ball," only to realize Chewie's "laughter" is a worrisome chronic cough.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Laura Palmer And Bobby Will Return To Showtime's 'Twin Peaks'
We know that Agent Cooper, aka Kyle MacLachlan, will return for Showtime's upcoming "Twin Peaks" limited series, but now we can expect to see the homecoming queen return as well.
During the recent "Twin Peaks" U.K. Festival in London, Sheryl Lee, who played Laura Palmer in David Lynch's original series, and Dana Ashbrook, who played Laura's boyfriend Bobby, revealed they are returning for the 2016 series. According to the fan site Welcome to Twin Peaks, Lee said she received a call from Lynch on her way to the festival telling her that she and Ashbrook would appear in the new series. Ashbrook made the announcement during the festival, much to the fans' excitement, revealing that Sherilyn Fenn, who played Audrey Horne, may also be returning.
I Wouldn't Mind Believing: 'The X-Files' May Return to TV
From slashfilm, Like they did with 24, Fox is hoping to temporarily bring back another series that people really liked, then kind of fell out of touch with, then had no idea what was going on when they tried to watch it again. Deadline reports that the network is now attempting to bring a new The X-Filesto television for the first time since 2002.
Don't get too excited, though. Like pretty much every element of The X-Files, this is beginning as just a wild idea Fox is throwing out there for others to look at more rationally. There's no story or concept or anything yet, and none of the key players have signed on. As of now, Fox TV Group chairman Gary Newman says they're merely having early "logistical" talks with David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and creator Chris Carter about if and when they'd be up for this. The bees from the first movie are already in, though. All of them.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Box office report: 'American Sniper' breaks January records
From ew, American Sniper was expected to do well this weekend after an impressive limited release, but not this well: The Clint Eastwood-directed war film took in an estimated $90.2 million—and broke a few records.
The Oscar-nominated film set a new record for a January opening by taking in $30.5 million on Friday, breaking the mark set by Cloverfield ($17.2 million on Jan. 18, 2008). January is a notoriously slow month at the box office, so Sniper‘s debut is particularly eye-opening.
American Sniper also took a couple records from James Cameron’s Avatar, which previously held the records for biggest January weekend performance (it made $68.5 million the first weekend of 2010) and biggest gross for a single day ($28.5 million) in January. This is big for Sniper, especially given the sluggish starts for Clint Eastwood films lately: His last two films, 2014’s Jersey Boys and 2011’s J. Edgar, opened with just $13.3 million and $11.2 million, respectively.
American Sniper‘s wide release came on the heels of its success at Thursday’s Oscar announcement: The film was nominated for six Academy Awards, including one for Best Picture. This announcement perfectly coincided with Sniper‘s Friday wide release, giving viewers who were previously on the fence about the movie—or just didn’tknow about the movie—a reason to head to the theater.
As for the rest of the top five, the Kevin Hart-led Wedding Ringer took the number two spot with $21 million. This is nearly half of what Ride Along, Hart’s comedy that opened at this exact time last year, made its opening weekend, but it’s to be expected: The Wedding Ringer had to play against multiple new films with much more buzz, so the fact that it grossed a bit over $20 million—and is well on its way to breaking even with its $23 million budget—is in itself a success.
Family-friendly Paddington also did predictably well with $19.3 million, a number definitely helped by those with kids looking for a PG alternative to the darker or raunchier films currently in theaters. One of those darker films is Taken 3, which wasnumber one last weekend but dropped down to the number four spot this time around with $14.1 million, 64 percent less than its $39.2 million opening.
Selma, also a Best Picture nominee, rounded out the top five with $8.3 million. This is a 26 percent decrease from last weekend’s $11.3 million, but it should experience a boost in ticket sales Monday when it’s expected viewers will head to the cinema to check out the Martin Luther King, Jr. biopic in celebration of the Civil Rights leader’s birthday.
1. American Sniper — $90.2 million
2. The Wedding Ringer – $21 million
3. Paddington – $19.3 million
4. Taken 3 — $14.1 million
5. Selma – $8.3 million
Outside the top five, newcomer Blackhat just barely made the top 10 with a $4 million opening weekend. The cyber thriller, starring Chris Hemsworth and directed by Michael Mann, has been plagued with less-than-stellar reviews—it currently has a 32 percent on Rotten Tomatoes—that likely contributed to its relatively weak performance.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Everything is not Awesome.
From Buzzfeed
“The LEGO Movie” Didn’t Get Nominated For Best Animated Feature And The Internet Is Furious
Read the rest here.
Here’s What The Cast Of “Scooby Doo” Looks Like Now
In 1969, four young Americans and their dog dropped out of college to drive around and solve mysteries. But that was over 45 years ago…
Go here to see what the gang looks like today.
Go here to see what the gang looks like today.
25 Seconds Of 'Hulk' VS. 'Hulkbuster' From AVENGERS: Age of Ultron
From slashfilm, The first trailer for Joss Whedon's Avengers sequel teased a smackdown of epic proportions between Hulkbuster Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk, and the most recent one showed us much (too much?) more. This is clearly going to be a very important set piece in the movie, and seems to be the thing fans are most excited to see in its entirety. Well, before that happens in a few months time, we have this video combining all of the footage we have so far into one 25 second edit. You've seen these shots before obviously, but when viewed together like this they really give you a sense of just how massive this battle might end up being. Plus, can you ever see Hulkbuster choke-slamming the Hulk into the pavement too many times? Course you can't.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
'Food and Wine' ranks all the coffee on Twin Peaks
From ew, With the exciting news that Twin Peaks will be returning to our television sets in 2016 (not soon enough!) and the even more exciting news that Kyle MacLachlan will return as FBI Agent Dale Cooper, Food & Wine has been inspired enough by Cooper’s love of coffee to rank all the caffeinated love that the fictitious town had to offer.
Check out the list here to find out how the Black Lodge’s coffee stacks up against Double R Diner’s.
‘Avatar’ Sequels Delayed By One Year to 2017
From slashfilm, In a move that will surprise no one, James Cameron has revealed that the Avatar sequels will be pushed back by one year. That means Avatar 2 will be out in 2017, followed by Avatars 3 and 4 in 2018 and 2019. “We were probably a bit ambitious,” he admitted of the original release dates. More details on the Avatar sequels delay after the jump.
Cameron revealed the release date shift to the AP (via Variety). As of now, the plans is still to shoot all 3 Avatar sequels simultaneously — and that’s part of the issue.
There’s a layer of complexity in getting the story to work as a saga across three films that you don’t get when you’re making a stand-alone film. [...]
We’re writing three simultaneously. And we’ve done that so that everything tracks throughout the three films. We’re not just going to do one and then make up another one and another one after that. And parallel with that, we’re doing all the design. So we’ve designed all the creatures and the environments.
Cameron’s goal is to have all three scripts done this month. He’s heading up the writing team, which also includes Josh Friedman, Shane Salerno, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver. Then again, he said a similar thing in early 2013 and look where we are.
The Avatar delay leaves Fox without its big tentpole franchise for the 2016 holiday season, though the studio does have the P.T. Barnum biopic The Greatest Showman on Earth scheduled for that Christmas.
Avatar 2 has been in the works for a very long time already. Originally it was supposed to open in December 2014, and then maybe 2015, and then 2016, and now it’s 2017. Cameron is notoriously bad at sticking to his deadlines, so all the delays aren’t very surprising, even if they are disappointing for fans.
Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, and Sigourney Weaver are expected back for the sequels, which will follow Jake’s family on Pandora. “Think of it as a family saga like The Godfather,” Cameron said in 2013. More recently, the filmmaker promised the new movies would “shit yourself with your mouth wide open.”
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
George Lucas Wanted To Release ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Before Selling Lucasfilm
From slashfilm, They say kids change everything. In George Lucas‘ case, his new child changed the fate of Star Wars.
Lucas is promoting his latest film, Strange Magic, and in the first interview about it the creator of A Galaxy Far, Far Away admitted his original plan was to make Star Wars Episode VII for May 2015, then sell the company. But when he and his eventual wife made plans to have a child, he knew making a new trilogy was too much. He sold the company, got married, and had a new child instead. Now, Lucas is excited because he can experience Star Wars in a way we all take for granted. Read the George Lucas Episode 7 quotes below.
The story came from USA Today. In their article, Lucas admitted he was developing the new trilogy, a fact backed up by interviews with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher who said Lucas asked them about returning in the summer before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney. However, he realized three films meant probably ten years and decided he wanted to be a father. Disney just so happened to get in touch around that time and that was that:
It’s better for me to get out at the beginning of a new thing and I can just remove myself. The time is more important to me than the money.
Lucase sold the company in October 2012, got married in June 2013, and had a baby girl, Everest, in August 2014. Now he has plenty of time to spent with his family. One thing in particular he’s looking forward to is watching Star Wars like the fans do, something he’d never been able to do. Lucas said this to USA Today:
The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact I never got to see it — I never got to be blown out of my seat when the ship came over the screen. The next one, I’ll be able to enjoy it like anybody else.
And, in case you don’t remember, Lucas wouldn’t even admit to seeing the trailer for The Force Awakens. So he’s really going all in on the theatrical experience.
Do you think things worked out for the best here?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Kyle MacLachlan to reprise 'Twin Peaks' role in Showtime reboot
From ew, The return of Twin Peaks has cast its star—and it’s exactly who you want.
Kyle MacLachlan will reprise his iconic role as FBI Agent Dale Cooper in Showtime’s reboot of ABC’s 1990 cult favorite drama about the murder of a homecoming queen in a small Northwest town.
The actor surprised critics by taking the stage at the Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour Monday, where MacLachlan handed a “damn good cup of coffee” to Showtime president David Nevins.
“I’m very excited to return to the strange and wonderful world of Twin Peaks,” said MacLachlan, dressed in a Cooper-style dark suit. “May the forest be with you.”
Series co-creator David Lynch will helm all of the nine episodes, which Showtime expects to air in 2016. Nevins wouldn’t say much about the new story other than Lynch and co-creator Mark Frost have been “very specific in promising closure, and that’s exciting.”
“From what I’ve seen, I think this going to live up to expectations—and then some,” Nevins said.
The executive said he “was kind of begging” Lynch and Frost when trying to convince them to do a reboot at Showtime. “And it felt like only way you could do it is to have David committing to directing all of them and that’s what I was begging for,” he said. “[The reboot is] something they’ve been toying with. And for David, 25 years was the magic number. There’s a reference in original, ‘I’ll see you in 25 years.'”
Nevins said Lynch seemed particular impressed by some of the Showtime executive’s “violent, weird” artwork in his office. “I think he liked that.”
Maggie Grace: Liam Neeson Prank-Called My Ex-Boyfriend
From demanjo, Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace are the stars of Taken 3, but we’re pretty sure Maggie’s ex-boyfriend was “taken” aback when he got a hilariously terrifying phone call from Liam as his formidable character Bryan Mills.
Maggie Grace was on "Conan" last night and revealed once that Neeson, 62, recreated his iconic "Taken" call to the bad guys -- in which he threatens them -- but this time calling the actress' ex-boyfriend.
Box Office
From ew, While forecasts predicted Taken 3 would have a similar opening to the first in the trilogy, the Liam Neeson-led action flick went above and beyond that by bringing in an estimated $40.4 million this weekend—a number closer to Taken 2′s $49.5 million opening than Taken‘s $24.7 million.
This number proves the power of a good old-fashioned action movie, a type of film that’s been absent from theaters in favor of Oscar bait as of late. And it proves the power of Neeson, an actor with definite pull—especially when it comes to this genre: He led both the previous Taken films, as well as last year’s Non-Stop, which brought in $222.8 million worldwide.
None of the weekend’s other films were able to match even a third of Taken 3‘s take: The next highest grossing film was Selma, which expanded to over 2,000 locations this weekend, with $11.2 million.
As for the rest of the top five, Into the Woods crossed the $100 million mark this weekend and finished behind Selma with $9.8 million—and ahead of The Hobbit, which ended its box-office reign after three consecutive weeks on top. Unbroken kept a spot in the top five with $8.4 million, and joined Into the Woods in cracking the $100 million mark. (The films have been neck and neck since their Christmas day openings).
GET MORE EW: Subscribe to the magazine for only 33¢ an issue!
1. Taken 3 — $40.4 million
2. Selma — $11.2 million
3. Into the Woods – $9.8 million
4. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies — $9.4 million
5. Unbroken – $8.4 million
Just outside the top five, The Imitation Game expanded to about 1,500 locations and brought in $7.6 million. The biopic will continue to expand, and will be getting more and more publicity as awards season progresses. (The Benedict Cumberbatch-led film is expected to nab multiple Oscar nominations come next week.) Paul Thomas Anderson’s Inherent Vice also expanded this weekend and made $2.9 million in 645 locations.
Next weekend will bring some new challengers when Blackhat, Paddington, and The Wedding Ringer all open wide. But the real one-to-watch might be American Sniper, the Bradley Cooper war film directed by Clint Eastwood. It averaged another impressive per-screen average this weekend ($138,750) and will expand to more than 3,000 screens next week.
Friday, January 09, 2015
Thursday, January 08, 2015
Kinky Fifty Shades of Grey poster deemed too naughty for Welwyn Garden City after complaints
From, A risqué film poster outside a Welwyn Garden City cinema has had to be removed after complaints from members of the public.
The raunchy advertisement for forthcoming movie Fifty Shades of Grey was on display on the front of the council-owned Garden City Cinema, on the Campus West roundabout.
It depicted the head and shoulders of a seemingly naked woman – star Dakota Johnson, playing eager-to-please Anastasia Steele – blindfolded, topless and apparently in the throes of passion during a kinky sex scene.
The poster, also bearing the Welwyn Hatfield Council logo, was on display outside the recently refurbished leisure complex.
The hotly-awaited movie, which comes out on February 14, is based on the steamy bestseller by E L James.
A spokesman for the Garden City Cinema said: “We are very sorry if we caused any offence to anyone.
“The film is set to be a huge blockbuster and is already selling well with us, even though it doesn’t open until Valentine’s Day 2015.
“The poster reflects the erotic nature of the film and was not explicit, but we understand if some people have taken offence.”
The billboard, which had been up for a week, was replaced with one advertising Christmas hit, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies.
As well as the three-screen Garden City Cinema, the Campus West entertainment complex also houses the Hawthorne Theatre, RollerCity and SoftPlayCity.
Hubble Space Telescope Captures Stunning New Image Of The Pillars Of Creation
Note: Larger, even more breathtaking full-res version HERE.
From geekology, To celebrate 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope space telescoping (since 1990!), astronomers had it turn its attention to the Pillars of Creation, one of Hubble's most iconic subjects, to capture this higher-definition version. Man, that middle pillar kinda looks like a penis with a ruby for an eyeball.
Stars are forming deep inside the towering structures. The light-years long columns of cold gas and dust are some 6,500 light-years distant in M16, the Eagle Nebula, toward the constellation Serpens. Sculpted and eroded by the energetic ultraviolet light and powerful winds from M16's cluster of young, massive stars, the cosmic pillars themselves are destined for destruction. But the turbulent environment of star formation within M16, whose spectacular details are captured in this Hubble visible-light snapshot, is likely similar to the environment that formed our own Sun.
Damn, the pillars themselves are light-years tall? That is very, VERY hard for me to comprehend. Also -- if I have my grocery store savings card and it says with my card something is 2/$7.00, does that mean I can still get one for $3.50, or do I have to get two for the savings? I always do just in case, but I'm still not convinced I HAVE to. I feel like they're trying to trick stupid people into buying more. "Sounds like it's working." I don't even know what you're trying to say, but I do know I don't like the way you said it.
Thanks to Melissa, who's convinced Hubble has taken pictures of aliens that NASA refuses to release because everybody will lose their shit.
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
It's Eating My Son!: Sweet Jaws Themed Baby Bed
‘Somos Todos Super Amigos’ is the superhero anthem we need
From robot6.comicbookresources, I’m not sure why this hilariously kitschy video has begun making the rounds on Facebook, but I’m grateful that it has, as there are few things as wonderful as this poorly choreographed musical number featuring the World’s Scrawniest Thor and Most Miserable Karate Guy.
As you can probably tell from the introduction, to say nothing of the 10-foot-tall letters in the background, it’s from Brazilian television network SBT’s version of Bozo the Clown, in 1979 or 1980.
The hodgepodge of superheroes — Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Thor and … Shang Chi? — aren’t random performers, but rather the faces of Super Heróis, a disco album released by RCA Brazil in 1979, during the heyday of novelty songs. Whether they actually sang the songs is anybody’s guess (anyone know?), but they sure rocked those costumes, on the album cover and on television.
That cover, which you can see below, also featured a forlorn Robin sporting a haircut tragic even by ’80s standards. For some reason, however, he didn’t make it to the TV studio.
Credit where credit’s due: “Somos Todos Super Amigos” is damned catchy (you can listen to it in full below), and Wonder Woman and Batman definitely have some moves. And Super Heróis was successful enough to spawn a 1982 follow-up — alas, without Robin. I have a feeling that’s a Behind the Music episode just waiting to happen …
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
First look at Paul Rudd As Ant Man
The next evolution of the Marvel Cinematic Universe brings a founding member of The Avengers to the big screen for the first time with Marvel Studios’ “Ant-Man.” Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, master thief Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.
Marvel’s “Ant-Man” stars Paul Rudd as Scott Lang aka Ant-Man, Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne, Corey Stoll as Darren Cross aka Yellowjacket, Bobby Cannavale as Paxton, Michael Peña as Luis, Judy Greer as Maggie, Tip “Ti” Harris as Dave, David Dastmalchian as Kurt, Wood Harris as Gale, Jordi Mollà as Castillo and Michael Douglas as Hank Pym.
Peyton Reed directs Marvel’s “Ant-Man” with Kevin Feige producing and Louis D’Esposito, Alan Fine, Victoria Alonso, Michael Grillo, Edgar Wright and Stan Lee serving as executive producers. Marvel’s “AntMan” delivers a high-stakes, tension-filled adventure on July 17, 2015.
Friday, January 02, 2015
Bono says he's worried that he may never play guitar again
(CNN) -- Bono has shared with fans that recovery from an accident has been slow going and that he's worried he may never play guitar again.
The U2 frontman underwent hours of multiple surgeries in November after a bicycle accident in New York City when he tried to avoid another rider in Central Park. The singer broke his arm in six spots, and he fractured his eye socket and shoulder blade.
On New Year's Day, he posted a blog entry on the band's website in which he detailed his struggle.
"Recovery has been more difficult than I thought," Bono wrote. "As I write this, it is not clear that I will ever play guitar again. The band have reminded me that neither they nor Western civilization are depending on this."
In the blog entry, titled "Little Book of a Big Year: Bono's A to Z of 2014" the star reveals that he "blanked out on impact and have no memory of how I ended up in New York Presbyterian with my humerus bone sticking through my leather jacket. Very punk rock as injuries go."
The possibility that he may never play again caused Bono to reflect that "I personally would very much miss fingering the frets of my green Irish falcon or my (RED) Gretsch."
"Just for the pleasure, aside from writing tunes," he added. "But then does the Edge, or Jimmy Page, or any guitarist you know have a titanium elbow, as I do now? I'm all elbows, I am."
Bono says he will be focusing on his continued recovery.
"The consequences of this freak accident are significant enough that I will have to concentrate hard to be ready for the U2 tour in fitness terms," he wrote. "As a result I have cancelled every public appearance and decided this missive is all the communication I can manage for the first half of 2015, beyond muttering and singing to myself of course."
‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Rogue Cut Coming This Summer With New Extras
From slashfilm, X-Men: Apocalypse doesn’t arrive until 2016, but there is going to be an X-Men movie released this summer. It’s just that it won’t be in theaters, and that most of it will be very familiar.
Writer/producer Simon Kinberg announced last fall that the so-called “Rogue cut” of X-Men: Days of Future Past would arrive in mid-2015, and now a few more intriguing details have emerged about its release. Hit the jump for the latest on the X-Men Days of Future Past Rogue cut.
James Finn, Fox Home Entertainment’s executive vice president of marketing communications, offered the latest on the X-Men Days of Future Past Rogue cut on Twitter.
The Rogue cut isn’t just a matter of a few extended scenes here and there. Actress Anna Paquin completed her scenes early in the shooting process, but they were excised in post-production in order to keep down the runtime. Kinberg explained in September:
It’s a big chunk, a substantial part of the movie. We want to give (fans) the fullest picture of the film — behind the camera, and in front of it. … Every movie has scenes that are cut out, but not every movie has scenes cut out with such a beloved character.
Kinberg added at the time that the Rogue parts “didn’t fit” with the rest of the movie, which focused more on Xavier, so it should be interesting to see how they play in context. As of September, the Rogue cut was reported to include over 10 minutes of extra footage. The centerpiece of the Rogue storyline seems to be a prison break sequence involving Professor X, Magneto, and Iceman.
That alone might be enough to get some people to open their wallets, but if you’re on the fence Finn’s promise of “distinct extras” could sweeten the deal. Of course, what those extras are and whether they’re worth your time and money remain to be seen. We’ll post more details as we get them.
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