Hee, hee! Has it been a year already? Drag your palpitating corpses into Horrorthon, boils and ghouls! Yep, it’s everyone’s favorite hostess, Gretchen, ready to oversee your revolting and reeking horror choices. So come into Horrorthon, sit yourselves down on that dead man’s chest and start your movies! This is the 10th anniversary of our little contest so make me proud, kiddies!
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Happy Horrorthon All!!
Eliminates the decision making and boosts the numbers. Real movie popcorn. Given that Halloween conveniently falls on a Saturday this year, the only thing that stands in the way of me and Mr. AC attending is that greatest horror of all... Real Life. So here's hoping Real Life stays out of everyone's way this October!
Happy Horrorthon everybody! Anyone staying up late tonight to start (not me)?
Happy Horrorthon everybody! Anyone staying up late tonight to start (not me)?
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
'The Warriors' Gang Took One Last Subway Ride to Coney Island
New Order delivers their best album in 20 years!
I'm just crazy about New Order's "Music Complete", their best album in 20 years! It's 11 throbbing dance tracks with no weak links. For those who like this sort of thing check out the above track and crank it!
Twin Peaks Log Lady has died
From ew, Catherine E. Coulson, actress and cult icon, died Monday morning of cancer at age 71, her rep confirmed to EW. Coulson rose to cultural prominence in the early ’90s, as the Log Lady on Twin Peaks.
But her Twin Peaks story began in the ’70s, when she spent about four years working on David Lynch’s directorial debut Eraserhead. Officially, Coulson is credited as the movie’s assistant director. She also worked as a waitress and donated her income to the movie’s perpetually vanishing budget. And she was married to Eraserheadstar Jack Nance. (The marriage ended in 1976, one year before the movie finally arrived.)
Somewhere in the middle of Eraserhead, Lynch produced The Amputee, a short one-shot film about a woman with no legs writing a letter while a nurse cleans her stumps. The woman is Catherine E. Coulson; the nurse is David Lynch. Coulson caught Lynch’s eye, no question. At some point, he had a vision of her, holding a log.
Time passed. Coulson worked as as a camera assistant on The Killing of the Chinese Bookie, a second assistant camera on Youngblood, a first assistant camera on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. She remarried, had a daughter, moved back home to Ashland, Oregon, where she would have a long stage career. Lynch called Coulson; he still had that vision, the lady with the log; he wondered if she would like to take a part in his new ABC show.
So much about Twin Peaks became shorthand for cult weirdness, but the Log Lady holds a special elevated place in the show’s history. Her first appearance could just be a non sequitur joke. (“Who’s the lady with the log?” asks Special Agent Cooper. “We call her the Log Lady,” says Sheriff Truman.) But Twin Peaks quickly built up to the notion of the Log Lady as a key figure, able to communicate with the deep dark forces circling in the woods surrounding Twin Peaks (and in the hearts of the citizens.)
She is a monastic figure, but Coulson plays her with a fussy drollness. There’s a great scene in the second episode of Twin Peaks, when she tells Cooper about the evening of Laura Palmer’s death. “My log saw something that night,” she says. Cooper: “What did it see?” Log Lady: “Ask it.” Cooper has no idea what do to. The Log Lady says, simply: “I thought so,” and walks away.
The Log Lady became a cult figure, partially because it’s hard to say how important she actually was to the show. She doesn’t do very much, but she seems to know everything: In Lynch’s cosmology, this might make her God, the Devil, or something more powerful. In a recent interview, Coulson described the Log Lady as “the only sane person in Twin Peaks.” That sounds right, too.
Maybe that’s why Lynch liked Coulson so much, why that vision of her maintained for the long years between Eraserhead and Twin Peaks: She could make “talking to a supernatural log” look odd, normal, and oddly normal. When the show entered reruns on Bravo, Lynch recorded introductions for every episode featuring the Log Lady. Typical line: “To introduce this story, let me just say: It encompasses the all.”
Coulson played the Log Lady in the Twin Peaks movie; she parodied the character on Psych; and she was slated to return for the show’s 2017 revival. The show — and the weird, wonderful world she helped to create — will not be the same without her.
“Today I lost one of my dearest friends, Catherine Coulson,” Lynch said in a statement to EW. “Catherine was solid gold. She was always there for her friends. She was filled with love for all people — for her family, for her work. She was a tireless worker. She had a great sense of humor — she loved to laugh and make people laugh. She was a spiritual person — a longtime TM meditator. She was the Log Lady.”
Monday, September 28, 2015
Three days to Horrorthon, people! Whoop!
Yo yo yo! How is your Monday going? Sorry I haven't been doing my usual pre-Thon ten day countdown, but I needed to complete the masterpiece you see above and mail it to my friends who are attending Brickcon, the West Coast's largest Lego convention. It's in Seattle.
Anyway, that's all done and I can focus on the important things, like SCARY SHIT. Anyone got any themes in mind? Things you want to cover? Real life situations that will get in your way? DISCUSS.
Box Office
From ew, Hotel Transylvania 2 drew blood at the box office this weekend, earning an estimated $47.5 million and setting the new record for the biggest September opening of all time.
The sequel to Genndy Tartakovsky’s animated Dracula adventure shattered the $42.5 million record set by the first one in 2012, and Hotel Transylvania 2(starring Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, and Selena Gomez) earned an A- CinemaScore. Not only didHotel Transylvania 2 earn the biggest ever September opening, but it’s also Sony Animation’s biggest opening of all time and the biggest opening Sony has had all year. When final numbers come in on Monday, Hotel Transylvania 2 could also end up as the biggest Sandler opening of all time, as it’s only about $100,000 away from his current record-holder, The Longest Yard, which opened to $47.6 million in 2005.
The Intern, starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, also made a solid debut, earning an estimated $18.2 million. Director Nancy Meyers’ first film since 2009 also snagged an A- CinemaScore, coming in second place, and The Intern drew a primarily female, older audience.
Everest, on the other hand, fell a little short of expectations. Last weekend, Baltasar Kormákur’s climbing adventure opened on IMAX and premium large-format screens, earning $7.2 million, and whileEverest was expected to earn between $15 and $17 million when it went wide this weekend, it only made an estimated $13.1 million. Everest’s 10-day domestic total is now at an estimated $23.1 million.
Holdovers Black Mass and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials rounded out the top five. Scorch Trials saw a steeper second-weekend drop than the first Maze Runner, falling 54 percent, but it still earned $14 million, bringing its domestic total to $51.7 million. The White Bulger biopic Black Mass earned $11.5 million in its second weekend, and its domestic total is now at $42.6 million.
Outside of the top five, this weekend’s other wide release marked the return of another big director: Eli Roth. The Green Inferno, Roth’s first directorial feature in eight years, made $3.5 million.
Here are this weekend’s top five at the box office:
1. Hotel Transylvania 2 — $47.5 million
2. The Intern — $18.2 million
3. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials — $14 million
4. Everest — $13.1 million
5. Black Mass — $11.5 million
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
MA man yells at fish in best accent ever.
And then of course, because this is the internet, someone did this:
Filming for 'Purge 3' begins in Woonsocket
WOONSOCKET – Universal Studios and Blumhouse Productions began work Wednesday on a new film, "Purge 3: Assassins," with scenes to be filmed on Main Street and other locations throughout Woonsocket.
Set crews, actors and throngs of curious onlookers crowded downtown Woonsocket Wednesday afternoon as they began setting up for the action thriller, which will be shot in and around Kwik Mart at 118 Main St.
“It is with open arms that we welcome the cast and crew of this exciting movie, and we are hopeful that their time here will demonstrate that Woonsocket is a truly great place to live, work, and of course, film major motion pictures,” said Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt.
“Purge 3: Assassins” is the third movie in “The Purge” series in which the government has established one night a year, called “the Purge,” when all crime is legal, and all police, fire and medical emergency services remain unavailable for 12 hours, from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. the next day. “Purge 3: Assassins” is set in the near future of Washington, D.C., and focuses on anti-purge presidential candidate Charlene “Charlie” Roan, played by Elizabeth Mitchell, who becomes vulnerable to assassination attempts when she refuses to go into hiding on Purge Night.
Filming is scheduled to take place on Main Street and other locations throughout the city, mostly after dark and through the night, between Sept. 16 and 25, and will necessitate temporary traffic control measures and road closures.
“Purge 3: Assassins” follows other movies and television shows filmed in Woonsocket, such as “Dumb and Dumber,” “Hachiko: A Dog’s Tale,” and “Brotherhood.”
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Horrorthon 2015: This year, there will be trophies.
There is no "there is no prize," because there's a prize!
Sorry I didn't start my usual 10 day countdown, but for the 10th anniversary of the H-thon blog I've decided to make and distribute some trophies! This here will be one of them (but I'll paint it), and I'm thinking I'll do at least three, all different from each other. One for straight up Most Movies Watched and the other (at least) two for I don't know what yet. Suggestions are welcome!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Now I really want to watch it! 'One Million Moms' boycotting ‘The Muppets’ new TV show due to adult humor
From slashfilm, You know that grunt-like scream that Miss Piggy makes when she’s really made and frustrated? That’s pretty much what the American Family Association offshoot One Million Moms is doing right now as they boycott ABC’s The Muppets TV show premiering this Tuesday at 8pm Eastern.
The organization touts a mission statement saying that they are trying to “stop the exploitation of our children, especially by the entertainment media” and “stand against the immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity the entertainment media is throwing at your children.” Or more succinctly put, “We want our children to have the best chance possible of living in a moral society.”
So it might come as no surprise that The Muppets TV series, which has been described as having a more adult-skewed tone than previous Muppet stories, has the organization in uproar because the show apparently makes nonchalant jokes about sex and drugs. Find out more about One Million Moms boycotting The Muppets below.
In an e-mail sent out to all their subscribers, members and followers, which they also posted on their website, the organization says of The Muppets:
“ABC hopes children watch the show and predict they would enjoy some of the humor, but 1MM would disagree. It is not the show it once was. ABC has ruined “The Muppets.” How many parents want to explain the punchline of sexually charged jokes to young children?
Many parents unknowingly will let their children watch an episode only to find out its perverted nature too late, unless they are alerted ahead of time. 1MM and others need to get the word out to families to avoid this program at all costs.”
At all costs? Really? That sounds a bit dramatic, folks.
There’s nothing more mind-boggling to me than a show, or anything for that matter, needing to be done away with because a parent doesn’t want to have a pivotal conversation with their kids, even when it’s the kind that a parent issupposed to have. As a parent, you are responsible for your child. It’s not the media or anybody else’s job to police what children are exposed to. Here’s an idea, why not watch any given show that you are thinking of allowing your child to seebefore you sit your impressionable child in front of the television?
Keep in mind that this is the same organization that boycotted JC Penney for employing Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson because she was a lesbian, protested Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie for featuring lesbian parents, and scolded Chobani yogurt for having a commercial with a lesbian couple. They also recently protested the forthcoming Fox series Lucifer for glamorizing Satan.
The Muppets have traditionally skewed towards family friendly programming, but there are plenty of jokes in all iterations of the shows, movies and more that only adults will get. The Muppets have also appeared on Saturday Night Live, but the folks at One Million Moms were likely smart enough to not sit their oblivious kids in front of the late night sketch comedy show just to see some Muppets.
The adult humor angle for The Muppets is nothing new. This is just looks like one organization hellbent on making an uproar because they’re too lazy to be parents themselves. Anyway, even though this cry for boycott including a phone number and more for people to call and voice their dissension, don’t expect One Million Moms to make a dent in ABC’s premiere plans for The Muppets this week.
However, if the early buzz is any indicator, we likely wouldn’t have much of an argument to make against the organization if they were protesting the show based on the supposed quality. Even though the show was at the top of the list of our 16 new fall 2015 shows we’re excited about, it doesn’t sound like the pilot sets up a promising new series endeavor for Jim Henson’s creations.
If you want a better idea of what to expect from The Muppets, watch the 10-minute pitch video right here. Otherwise, the sinful version of The Muppets premieres September 22nd at 8pm Eastern on ABC.
‘Star Wars’ Theatrical Cut Might Finally Be Coming to Blu-Ray
From collider, It’s that time again. Every so often, we get a rumor about an HD Star Wars theatrical cut release, and every time the fans spin into an excited fervor only to be disappointed by a lack of payoff. However, this time the rumor comes from a pretty legit source — legendary director John Landis, who casually dropped some knowledge during a Q&A last night.
While at Universal Studios Orlando to talk about the new version of the Halloween Horror Nights American Werewolf in London maze based off of his iconic horror film, Landis was asked if he would ever want to go back and touch up the monster effects with modern technology. In the middle of his answer, he dropped the Star Wars bomb that fans have been waiting to hear.
Image via Universal Pictures
Check out his full quote below.
“First of all, they wouldn’t let me. George owns his movies, so he can do what he wants … My personal opinion is George hurt his movies by doing what he did. However, George said to me, ‘But they’re my movies.’ I thought, ‘That’s fair.’
Did you know Disney, by the way, is putting out the original Star Wars the way it was? So, Disney, they’re like, money on the floor.”
Now, if, if, and that’s a major if given that Landis didn’t say when, where, or how he heard this — but if Landis is in the know, it will be a huge win for fans. Here’s the thing though, Fox still owns the theatrical, nontheatrical, and home video rights to the original Star Wars trilogy until 2020, and they own the rights to A New Hope in perpetuity, which means Disney would have to make a deal, and a pretty sweet deal at that, to regain the rights to an unaltered release.
Image via Lucasfilm
However, if Landis is right about one thing, it’s that an HD re-release of the Star Wars theatrical cut means lots of easy money for everyone involved. With theStar Wars fandom at peak fervor in anticipation of The Force Awakens, and Disney currently doubling down on the Star Wars franchise (see: a new Star Wars movie every year,theme park plans, etc), now would be an excellent time to make that release…and reap heaps of sweet, sweet Star Wars cheddar.
And for what it’s worth, Mr. Landis, please don’t go mucking about with Rick Baker‘s original effects, even if the studio would let you. They’re gorgeous and horrific and perfect just the way they are.
My recording of the Q&A was muddied by the frenzy of voices that followed Landis’ statement, shout out to Aaron Sagers at Blastr for the assist on the full quote. Stay tuned for more coverage from Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights 25th Anniversary, and what we learned in the lengthy Q&A with Landis.
Box Office
From ew, Although most expected Scorch Trials to earn about $35 million, it actually fell short of the original Maze Runner’s $32.5 million debut. Still, it’s a strong opening for the adaptation of James Dashner’s young adult novel, which earned a B+ CinemaScore and stars Dylan O’Brien as a teenager struggling to survive in a scorched wasteland.
In second place, Black Mass opened to $23.4 million and a B CinemaScore. Starring Johnny Depp as the legendary Boston gangster Whitey Bulger, Black Mass’ debut puts it on par with other Boston crime flicks like The Departed, which opened to $26.9 million in 2006, and The Town, which opened to $23.8 million in 2010.
Fifth place went to Everest, which opened exclusively on 3-D, IMAX, and premium screens and earned a whopping $7.6 million in only 545 locations. Based on the true story of a 1996 disaster, Everest stars Josh Brolin, Jason Clarke, and Jake Gyllenhaal and will go wide next weekend. Everest also opened in 36 international territories, bringing its worldwide total to an estimated $35.8 million.
M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit topped the holdovers, earning an estimated $11.4 million. The thriller’s domestic total is now at an estimated $42.3 million after 10 days. The Perfect Guy, which debuted in first place last weekend, came in just behind, earning $9.7 million for a domestic total of $41.4 million.
This weekend’s other new wide release, the faith-based drama Captive, opened to an estimated $1.4 million in 800 theaters. Based on a true story, Captive stars Kate Mara as a woman taken hostage by an escaped convict (David Oyelowo).
At the specialty box office, Pawn Sacrifice, starring Tobey Maguire as chess legend Bobby Fischer, earned an estimated $206,879 in 33 theaters, while Sicario, starring Emily Blunt as an FBI agent taking on the drug war, earned $390,000 in just six theaters. For Sicario, that’s an average of $65,000 per theater — the best so far this year.Sicario will go wide on Oct. 2.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Screencap Quiz!
[Buzzfeed. Because of course it's from Buzzfeed!]
Can you match the Horror Film to the screencap? Take the quiz!
{DCD - I'm embarrassed to admit I only got 7 out of 14 right!}
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Star Trek: Voyager Actress Arrested For Exposing Herself To Children
From cinemablend, People get arrested for all kinds of weird things on a daily basis, but it always seems that much more bizarre whenever it’s a recognizable celebrity on the wrong side of the law. In this case, it’s Star Trek: Voyager actress Jennifer Lien, who was arrested earlier this month for exposing herself to several children while in a dispute with a neighbor. Just another day in Harriman, Tennessee, I guess.
Lien, who played the alien Kes on Voyager, was apparently walking around her house on August 31 when she passed the house of her neighbor Kayla Clark, who was outside with her children, two of which were crying. Lien decided to offer her opinion on the situation, and that’s when things got weird and bare-skinned. Here’s how other neighbor Carey Smith put it, according to WATE.
[She] started saying vulgar things. I mean really vulgar things. I told her to mind her business and keep on walking. All of a sudden, here come the shirt up. She started flashing and, ‘Woo hoo,’ and I said, ‘And what respect is that for kids?’ There was none. And then she turned around and dropped her pants.
It’s at this point when Clark called 911, and though she initially denied to police that she’d exposed herself, they issued a detainer summons for an indecent exposure charge. On September 3, when officers arrived at Lien’s home, the found the front door wide open and Lien inside, nude on her couch (covered by a blanket) and apparently expecting them. After saying she wasn’t “going any-fucking-where” and refusing to put on clothes, Lien threatened the deputies that she would have them allshot and killed. WTF, right?
A female deputy was called in, and clothes from the jail were brought over. Lien was dressed in those, handcuffed, and when she refused to walk to the patrol car, thepolice had to carry her. She was charged with two counts of indecent exposure to children younger than 13, and her bond was set at $2,500.
Take a look at her mug shot in the tweet below.
Neighbors of former #StarTrek Voyager actress say she exposed breasts, rear to crying childrenhttp://t.co/aHnbLKasRB pic.twitter.com/xgAPcn1lpl— WATE 6 On Your Side (@6News) September 15, 2015
Lien is definitely best known for playing the telepathic and telekinetic Kes, a medical assistant with a shortened lifespan, for the first three seasons of Star Trek: Voyager. (Kes was written off the series during the second episode of Season 4, having become a threat to the rest of the characters.) The actress also starred in such series as the soap opera Another World and the short-lived ABC sitcom Phenom, but was also known for her voice work in shows such as The Critic, Superman,Duckman and the Men in Black animated series. She hasn’t acted in years, and was actually arrested in April of this year and charged with evading arrest, resisting arrest, reckless endangerment and aggravated assault. We’re certain that Robert Picardo’s Doctor wouldn’t approve.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Just in time for Horrorthon!
From slashfilm, The change of the season is upon us, and soon we’ll be packing up the shorts and tank tops for hoodies and cardigans. So if you’re gonna warm up this fall, why not do it with some cool stuff that shows people just how much of a horror fanatic you truly are?
If that sounds like your cup of tea, then Mondo has you covered with a new line of sweaters and scarves paying tribute to three of the most iconic horror slashers in the history of cinema: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees. And the good news is that the new Mondo slasher sweaters and scarves are available to buy right now.
Here’s the fuzzy new gear straight from Mondo’s official website:
TV David Lynch wants fans to stop taking photos of Twin Peaks production
From ew, The famously secretive David Lynch hasn’t changed his ways, and thanks to over-enthusiastic online fans, he’s a bit peeved.
The Twin Peaks revival is currently shooting in Washington. Periodically, fanatics have flocked there to snap photos and share them on one of the myriad sites run by diehard fans.
“We’re so happy people are excited about being back to where it all began,” said Lynch and co-creator Mark Frost in a statement. “Like any good mystery, it’s all suppose to be top secret, and would love it if everyone helped keep it that way!”
At least one fan site is listening, albeit with a bit of attitude. On Monday, the administrator of Twin Peaks Archive announced that behind-the-scenes stills of the set won’t be published on the site until episodes air.
“All things must pass. Whilst up in Washington watching the filming of the new Twin Peaks, we heard through the grapevine that David Lynch was unpleased that fans were taking photos of the filming and uploading them to various sites on the internet,” Jerry Horne writes. “Even though everyone I witnessed was being courteous and staying on public sidewalks etc, apparently this was just too much for Lynch.
“So, we decided to abide by Mr. Lynch’s wishes. We will post stills of the filming process once the final episode of the series airs. I know many of you are disappointed by this, but hey, it is what it is.”
That finale will be sometime two years from now, when the Showtime limited series is slated to air. Fortunately the auteur didn’t threatenleaving production again.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Box Office
From ew, This weekend saw the debut of two new PG-13 rated thrillers, and while The Perfect Guy and The Visit were both predicted to debut between $15 million and $17 million, both exceeded expectations, ending the weekend with more than $25 million apiece.
The Perfect Guy opened to an estimated $26.7 million, narrowly beating out M. Night Shyamalan’sThe Visit, which made $25.7 million. It’s a close enough race that things could change when final numbers come in on Monday, but if The Perfect Guyholds on to the crown, it’ll mark the fifth weekend in a row that a movie starring African-American actors has topped the box office. War Room won Labor Day weekend, and before that, Straight Outta Comptonwas the No. 1 movie for three straight weekends.
The Perfect Guy stars Sanaa Lathan as a lobbyist who, after leaving her boyfriend (Morris Chestnut), strikes up a passionate affair with a seemingly perfect stranger (Michael Ealy). Distributed by Sony’s Screen Gems, Perfect Guy snagged an A- CinemaScore. Meanwhile, The Visit, Shyamalan’s first feature film since 2013’s After Earth, earned a B-. Produced by Jason Blum, The Visit follows two children whose visit to their grandparents’ house quickly turns sinister.
War Room earned another $7.4 million this weekend, placing third. The faith-based drama from brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick has been one of the surprise hits of late summer, and its domestic total is now just shy of $40 million. The adaptation of Bill Bryson’s book A Walk In The Woods, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte, took fourth with $4.7 million, bringing its domestic total to just below $20 million.
Rounding out the top five, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nationsqueezed past Straight Outta Compton to spend its seventh weekend in the top five, earning $4.2 million to Compton’s $4.1 million. To date, the latest Ethan Hunt adventure is just shy of a $190 million domestic total, while the N.W.A. biopic has grossed more than $155 million domestically.
This weekend’s other new wide release was 90 Minutes in Heaven, another faith-based drama. Starring Hayden Christensen and Kate Bosworth, 90 Minutes tells the story of a man who was pronounced dead after a car crash, only to return to life an hour and a half later. It debuted in 838 theaters to an estimated $2.2 million.
Here are this weekend’s top five at the box office:
1. The Perfect Guy — $26.7 million
2. The Visit — $25.7 million
3. War Room — $7.4 million
4. A Walk In The Woods — $4.7 million
5. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation — $4.2 million
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Hooray! 'Marmaduke' cartoonist Brad Anderson dies at 91*
(CNN)Brad Anderson, who created the long-running comic strip "Marmaduke," about a mischievous, overly curious Great Dane and his loving family, has died, according to his syndicate, Universal Uclick.
Universal Uclick's president, John Glynn, confirmed Anderson's death.
In a statement on its website, the National Cartoonists Society paid tribute.
"The NCS and the world of cartooning lost one of its true luminaries last week with the passing of Brad Anderson, creator of the comic 'Marmaduke,' " the society said.
Anderson died August 30 at 91.
'#Marmaduke' creator Brad Anderson has passed away. pic.twitter.com/Fv2i75B8ll— ComiConverse (@ComiConverse) September 6, 2015
Anderson was born in Jamestown, New York, and was a cartoonist by the time he was a teenager, having sold a cartoon to Flying Aces magazine when he was 15. According to a 2010 story in American Profile, the "$3 paycheck was enough to buy a hamburger, a milkshake and a ticket to the movies."
"My mother said I started drawing before I could talk," Anderson told American Profile.
Anderson served in the Navy during World War II and attended Syracuse University on the G.I. Bill. After a short stint with a public relations firm, he became a full-time freelance cartoonist and started "Marmaduke" in 1954.
Sixty-one years later, he was still drawing the strip, with the help of his son Paul.
"Marmaduke" ran in about 500 newspapers, according to the cartoonists society. The secret of its success, said Anderson, was its rambunctious title character.
"Marmaduke is very expressive and very active, and he's always doing something funny or ridiculous or crazy," he said. "He's always jumping over the couch, chasing after a cat. In the car, he wants to take over and drive."
Originally, the dog looked meaner, Anderson observed, but soon became "a very happy dog."
CNN iReporter "sunethra," a fan from Sri Lanka, was saddened by Anderson's death.
"Marmaduke has and still is bringing so much laughter, giggles and happiness to me," sunethra wrote from Colombo, noting that "each morning I remember I would run to grab the newspapers and the first thing that I would search was for Marmaduke. (O)n days that it was not printed I would be very disappointed."
The panel strip remained popular enough into the 21st century that it was turned into a movie in 2010. Owen Wilson supplied the voice of the Great Dane.
Anderson received the Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Cartoonists Society in 2013.
People we've lost in 2015
* Sorry, I have despised this cartoon my entire life. Who would allow a giant dog to run their household? You might as well have a horse living in your house. What's worse is that it is never funny, not even accidentally. The above cartoon is today's.
Box Office
From ew, War Room took a clear lead after three days, earning an estimated $9.4 million in 1,526 locations, and it ended Labor Day weekend with an estimated $12.6 million. With a budget of just $3 million, War Roomhas outpaced expectations since its $11.4 million debut last weekend, and its domestic total is now at $27.9 million. The PG-rated War Room has benefited from being one of the only faith-based films in theaters recently, and it’s the latest Christian hit from brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick.
Even though Straight Outta Compton failed to secure first place, it still added a solid $8.8 million over three days and $11.1 million over four to its record-breaking run. As of Monday, it’s only a few thousand dollars short of breaking $150 million domestically. The N.W.A. biopic was the breakout hit of late summer, opening to a whopping $60.2 million and becoming the biggest musical biopic of all time.
Of the two new releases, A Walk in the Woods came out on top, besting expectations to earn $8.3 million over three days and $10.5 million over four. Since it opened on Wednesday, its six-day domestic total is now at $12.3 million. The adaptation of Bill Bryson’s book, starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte, targeted an older adult audience and, according to Rentrak, 91 percent of its audience was over 25. This weekend’s other new wide release, The Transporter: Refueled, only debuted to $7.1 million over three days and $9 million over four, even though it opened in 3,434 theaters — one of the widest Labor Day releases ever.
Meanwhile, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation spent its sixth week in the top five, earning an estimated $7.2 million over three days and $9.3 million over four. The fifth Mission: Impossible film just crossed $500 million globally, with a domestic total of $180 million.
Outside of the top five, the animated Un Gallo Con Muchos Huevosopened in just 395 locations, but it earned $3.4 million over three days and $4.4 million over four. The Mexican animated film, whose title translates to A Rooster With Many Eggs, earned an excellent $11,190 per theater.
All in all, this Labor Day weekend marked a slow close to the summer box office race. This is the first weekend this year where not a single film made more than $10 million over three days.
Here are this weekend’s top five at the four-day box office:
1. War Room — $12.6 million
2. Straight Outta Compton — $11.1 million
3. A Walk In The Woods — $10.5 million
4. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation — $9.3 million
5. The Transporter: Refueled — $9 million
*JPX went to Toys R Us at midnight to checkout the debut of the new Star Wars toys, can you spot him in this screen grab?
Monday, September 07, 2015
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
I already hate her. Meet Denise, Kermit the Frog's new love interest
The Muppets
Posted September 1 2015 — 5:56 PM EDT
UPDATE: Looks like Kermit is putting the kibosh on the rumors about his relationship with a porcine beauty named Denise. The Muppetsamphibian frontman posted on Twitter, “We are simply close friends.”
Sheesh. I can’t believe I already have to do this again… Here is the official statement on my relationship status: pic.twitter.com/gRCyl3xbfz
— Kermit the Frog (@KermitTheFrog) September 1, 2015
Soon after, the ABC show’s official account backed him up:
So in other words… It’s none of your business. https://t.co/NpQtU9OWak
— The Muppets on ABC (@TheMuppetsABC) September 1, 2015
EARLIER: Just a few weeks following the announcement of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy’s breakup, the “It’s Not Easy Being Green” crooner appears to have already found love again. Meet Denise, a marketing executive at ABC and Kermit’s new ladylove.
Kermit and Piggy announced the end of their decades-long romance in early August while on ABC’s press tour to promote the Muppets’ upcoming docu-style sitcom, The Muppets, which will follow the production of a late-night talk show hosted by Miss Piggy and which place a new emphasis on the Muppets’ personal lives.
In an official joint statement, the pair assured fans that they will continue to work together and that their split will not interfere with their professional relationship.
While not much is known about Denise — including whether or not she enjoys fashion or speaks French — a source tells People that she will appear on Kermit and Piggy’s upcoming series.
The news has gotten a strong reaction on Twitter, where both “Denise” and “Miss Piggy” have been trending, and a great deal of mockery has been aimed at the former for her noticeably enhanced felt looks.
Miss Piggy: “DENISE WHAT’S GOOD?!” pic.twitter.com/xxmEQ3fIix
— #MansurBallBey (@SimoneOnSports) September 1, 2015
Why ya face don’t match ya neck, Denise???? pic.twitter.com/s925GQBVct
— Catherine B. (@MakinGroceries_) September 1, 2015
You need to give it up. Had about enough. It’s not hard to see. The. Frog. Is. Mine.#Denise #MissPiggy #Kermit pic.twitter.com/qttdgzRJmg
— ChampagnePetty (@__Dutch) September 1, 2015
kermit’s new girlfriend looks like she got a snapchat full of lip-syncing videospic.twitter.com/nnhap0pAJS
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) September 1, 2015
Kermit’s new Pig is from Atlanta, is a Model, Brand Ambassador, Bartender, Socialite, and drives a 2010 Altima pic.twitter.com/kZaZlGFkKQ
— King (@_Thundercleese) September 1, 2015
Kermit checking his mentions like pic.twitter.com/TUmH3wIAy6
— No Relation (@TheCosby) September 1, 2015
Miss Piggy has been linked lately to Liam Hemsworth, who is set toappear on the series. Hemsworth Instagrammed a photo of himself gazing adoringly into Piggy’s eyes just the day before the photos of Denise were released, captioning the pic, “Spent Friday with the most beautiful girl in the world. Kermit, #SorryNotSorry.”
[via EW]
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