First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
There is some truth to what he's saying, especially the part about resorting to foreign horror if the domestic stuff tastes bad.
PG-13 might not be all that bad in itself, but since it means "marketed for teenagers," we're likely looking at another vehicle for today's faces and songs.
Honestly, I rarely know what a movie's rated even after I've seen it. I do get bummed if I hear something is PG-13, because in a world in which new horror is so often disappointing, it's a further downer to know there's no serious gore. Or tits.
I was always down on PG-13 until I saw The Ring. The Ring proved that good horror need not involve copious amounts of blood, although the lack of boobs can be a problem =)
The Ring was PG-13? I always forget that. Yeah, that certainly proves you don't need the big R to scare, but if you heard the Evil Dead remake was PG-13, you'd pitch a fit.
There is some truth to what he's saying, especially the part about resorting to foreign horror if the domestic stuff tastes bad.
PG-13 might not be all that bad in itself, but since it means "marketed for teenagers," we're likely looking at another vehicle for today's faces and songs.
Honestly, I rarely know what a movie's rated even after I've seen it. I do get bummed if I hear something is PG-13, because in a world in which new horror is so often disappointing, it's a further downer to know there's no serious gore. Or tits.
I was always down on PG-13 until I saw The Ring. The Ring proved that good horror need not involve copious amounts of blood, although the lack of boobs can be a problem =)
The Ring was PG-13? I always forget that. Yeah, that certainly proves you don't need the big R to scare, but if you heard the Evil Dead remake was PG-13, you'd pitch a fit.
Yeah 'cuz there's a fine line between scare movies and gore movies. Octo, your halloween costume was totally cool!
Thanks dude! I was wondering where you were.
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