From aicn, I saw George Romero's new movie DIARY OF THE DEAD. It's basically "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD meets BLAIR WITCH PROJECT" or "CLOVERFIELD with zombies" or "CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST - cannibal + zombies but not ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST." It's not a sequel to the living dead movies but kind of a do-over with the zombie plague beginning in the present day and depicted in documentary form. Some film students are working on a crappy mummy movie (come on George, this is 2008, only Rob Cohen makes mummy movies) when they start hearing news about the dead coming back to life, and their director is compelled to keep filming. We're told at the beginning of the movie that his footage was edited by another character along with clips they downloaded from youtube, some news and security cam footage. Also she admits that she added music. And, I'm afraid, she narrates it.
I feel bad saying this but since nobody is reading this and it's only a diary I will come out and say it: this movie isn't very good.
Read full review here
It's ALWAYS a "do-over," never a sequel with Romero's Zombie stuff.
He lost me with Day of the Dead. I haven't seen Land of the Dead but I'm not very optimistic about it.
I was really disappointed in Day of the Dead, especially because it was released soon after the awesome DOTD remake. Even after all these years Romero still seems to struggle to finance his films, I mean, doesn't the guy have any dough?
1) I was referring to the original Day of the Dead from 1985. I didn't see the new one.
2) He insists on making them "unrated," which is why he never gets any financing. I think that's kind of cool, actually. In my opinion the only way to do a zombie movie is unrated.
Oops, I meant Land of the Dead!
Oh I agree completely about releasing them unrated, but his more recent films look lower-budget than the original DOTD. Perhaps he blew all his NOTLD money on Dawn? I suppose DOTD didn't make much money at the time.
As far as I know, nobody on Horrorthon watched the new Day of the Dead and I'm sure-as-hell not gonna be the first!
I'm a Land of the Dead supporter but it's obviously a far cry from Dawn or even the Dawn remake.
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