Whirlygirl's birthday was yesterday, February 5th. My apologies for this belated shout out, WG! Whirlygirl has been hard at work in a playwriting class, which is why we haven't heard much from her lately. Enjoy your day off!
First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
Thank you JPX! So far I'm enjoying my day off. I loved waking up and having no where I had to be. Since it's a wet, dismal day in New England, I probably spend most of my day at my favorite cafe reading...but of course, I'm going to do some cathcing up on the blog first.
Yay! Happy Day After Birthday WG!!
If only I had known you were going to be off I would have played hookey and we could have gone to see Sweeney!!
Sweeny Todd. [shudder]
Happy birthday WG!
Happy birthday!
Hope you had a great birthday Whirleygirl. Of course, knowing JPX the celebration probably included a Home Improvement marathon...
Home Improvement? What is that?
Thank you everyone!
DCD, I would have loved to have seen Sweeney Todd. We should go see it soon. I'm around this Sunday if you can go?
JSP, JPX and I are actually celebrating my B-day tonight because I had class until late last night. Unfortunately for JPX, I don't have cable, otherwise, I'm sure he'd be surfing the channels for Tim. (Just kidding! JPX has a wonderful evening planned for me.)
And now, as I comment late late late, that evening has already happened and the empty blister packs for several Star Wars figures litter the floor.
Well, did she like them?
Oh yeah... happy birthday!
WG - have to work on Sunday. I actually have Sat night free though...?
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