From iwatchstuff, Do you like Jim Henson? If you said no, you're most likely evil or unreasonably afraid of felt puppets. Who doesn't like Jim Henson, besides evils and puppet-fearers? That being said, I'm not entirely sure how interesting of a biopic his life will make, but Empire Film Group has plans to do it anyway:
The company's press release says they have a screenplay by Robert D. Slane and that they're hoping to secure a high profile director "like Penny Marshall".
I'm curious to see how this develops, but as Empire notes, it would definitely be more interesting of a concept with someone like Michel Gondry at the helm--who would likely skew the lines of reality and Muppetdom--rather than, say, Penny Marshall. Seriously, they're hoping for Penny Marshall? It's like praying for a Ford Taurus--reasonably reliable and able to get you where you need to go, but pretty sad if that's your highest aspiration.
I would be interested if it was a documentary type film, I'd rather see actual footage of Jim Henson than someone playing Jim Henson.
I agree.
When I ride to work, if the light's green at Sunset and La Brea I cross La Brea and seconds later ride past Jim Henson productions, which has a big statue of Kermit waving. If the light's red I head down Sunset and seconds later pass a Wendy's.
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