From toyrobot, While Warren Beatty's odd passion project Dick Tracy was well received by audiences and critics, it didn't inspire children to put on yellow trenchcoats and talk '30s gangster slang, possibly because kids don't read the comics page anymore and have no idea who Dick Tracy is. Playmates made a series of cartoon-y figures styled after their biggest hit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the result were ugly, squatting characters that all somehow resembled actor Ed Asner (including the Madonna figure). With no momentum beyond the movie, Dick Tracy was forgotten by a fickle youth swept up in "Urkel Mania."
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That Fred Flintstone figure is so disturbing I think I just might have to buy one.
Has anyone here seen Battleship Earth?
battleship Earth or Battlefield Earth?
Battlefield Earth was pretty bad
"Dick Tracy" was such crap...it was a flop, too, although for some reason it's remembered as being "well-received."
Dick Tracy was not well received. I worked at Showcase Cinemas when it came out and I don't recall anyone enjoying this awful movie.
I absolutely hated every frame. The easiest way to look like an idiot (back during that summer) was to defend that odious movie.
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