Monday, June 08, 2009

The Expendables: the actors who turned it down, and why

From denofgeek, We've not spoken about Sylvester Stallone's upcoming action epic The Expendables for a couple of weeks now, and we're afraid that those withdrawal symptoms were becoming far too pronounced. Thus, out of nothing more than duty to your good selves, we feel obliged to offer an update.

Shooting on the project is continuing, and, of course, the ensemble cast which includes Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Danny Trejo, Brittany Murphy, Dolph Lungdren, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others is hard at work. Rumours persist that Bruce Willis has filmed or is filming a cameo too, although there's been no confirmation of that as of yet.

And we're indebted to Moviehole this morning, for its revelation that Steven Seagal was indeed approached to appear in the film. He, according to the site, but turned it down due to "bad blood" with Expendables producer Avi Lerner. Seagal and Lerner had worked on many of the direct to video classics that the ponytailed action maestro had sent to your Blockbuster over the past few years, before they fell out, for unspecified reasons. We suspect it was more to do with cash, than a lack of Oscar nominations.

Also having turned down the project are Jackie Chan, Wesley Snipes (although the fact that he's in prison probably added to potential scheduling problems), and Jean-Claude Van Damme (who Moviehole reports was reluctant because he wouldn't get much screen time).

It's all their loss, say we, given that next April's Expendables release date has been circled in the most permanent of permanent inks. We bought a brand new special felt tip, especially for the occasion.


Octopunk said...

Some Jackie Chan and JCVD might've been nice to round things out, but Steven Seagal gets the mightiest of "meh"s from me.

JPX said...

Don't be too quick to dismiss him. His first 6 films are still awesome including Above the Law, Under Siege (and it's sequel), Hard to Kill, Marked For Death, and Out For Justice. There have been many "revenge" flicks but Seagal's early work is a lot of fun an obscenely satisfying.

Octopunk said...

Perhaps. But that he completely lost me with that Alaskan movie.

JPX said...

Oh God that was dreadful! JSP and I actually saw it in the theater. Shudder.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Out For Justice & Marked For Death both receive a "full pipe" in the pipe up the ass factor (hateability of bad guy vs. receiving his come uppings.) He may not be pretty to look at but Segal's ass whuppings are thorough and satisfying.


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