Without further ado, a subject near and dear to my heart - and loathed by JPX in no uncertain terms:
To the cult,

First rule of Horrorthon is: watch horror movies. Second rule of Horrorthon is: write about it. Warn us. Tempt us. The one who watches the most movies in 31 days wins. There is no prize.
Happy Halloween everybody! Julie's working late and the boy doesn't have school tomorrow so he's heading to one of those crazy f...
The Hills are alive
With the Sound of Music and
JPX screaming
Rocky Horror nut
Dressed up as Magenta, yeah
that whack job was me
Bye, Bye Birdie jams
Rockin' it all Elvis style
and Ann Margret too
No woman was safe
when the King swung his pelvis
Elvis, what a stud
I like musicals
Aside from that singing crap,
Why must they sing so?
Grease is the word, right?
Gayest word on the planet
So says JSP
Rocky Horror blows
Meatloaf's ass can rot in hell
Next to the dolphins
I always wanted
to randomly burst with song
in a public place
Worst musical cast
Had to be the Who's Tommy
Oliver Reed, yikes!
Old school was the best
Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke
and Doris Day too.
Pillow Talk was fun
til Rock Hudson said he's gay
changed the whole context
My fave funny guys
Dick Van Dyke and Danny Kaye
Those goofy songsters
I never "got them"
Just when it gets good, they sing!
What is the appeal???
Lil' Shop of Horrors
Only lasted 5 minutes
Watched Cannonball Run
The Wizard of Oz
Charlie's Chocolate Factory
Only 2 I like
Breaking into song
Fills me with murderous rage
Get to the damn point!
I even hate it
When they sing on The Simpsons
Get out of my 'toon!
I'm very confused
To which man should I marry?
I know, I'll just sing!
So not into teens
High School Musical? So bad.
I never saw it
South Park The Movie
Best and only musical
I will ever watch
(*singing*...busy day today...I'll be back later...)
Musical Theater
Fun times for prancing fruitcakes
Go get my shotgun
Grease, five years later
Danny, unemployed and fat
Sandy, malcontent
Hot dog vendor, nun
Spontaneous dance routine
How did they prepare?
I just want to sing
But Michael Palin stops me
Ouch! It's Lancelot!
I was Kenickie
Sang to my tiny wood car
Go, Greased Lightning, go
Oh, bizarro world -
A mutant with razor claws
AND song-and-dance man?
I wanted to like
A Nightmare Before Christmas
But I can't stand it
Sure the film looks great
But there's too much damn singing
Shut up already
Watch on DVD
Fast forward through the singing
Still unwatchable
late hhd post!
robbed of morning commute time
when brain is juicy
musical "the wiz"
i'll watch it if it kills me
which it really might
taiga lily bites
me vigorously; haikus
hard to write while OUCH
DCD was wrong
It's JPX that's the Grinch
He hates the singing
Mixing blood and song
Sweeney Todd was best of both
Death and a dance please
classic musicals:
who doesn't love gene kelly
singing in the rain?
fred astaire was a
genius dancer, but gene was
better eye candy.
JPX Nightmare
Julie Andrews has him trapped
she won't stop singing
She comes toward him
with a spoonful of sugar
and the Von Trapp kids
They all surround him
Singing perfect harmony
endless Edelweiss
Makes a break for it
but runs into cast of Grease
"We go together.."
Wakes in a cold sweat
"Whew, it was only a dream"
...or was it? Haha!
which is worse: sgt.
peppers or xanadu? both
so bad they're awesome.
Okay, I admit
Breakin' and Breakin' 2 rock
So bad they're so good
ok, fess up now:
which thonners have been in a
high school musical?
i can kind of see
handsome, fitty, johnny, cat;
just not jpx
jpx hates to
watch musicals, would rather
die than star in one.
live on stage, i loved
Grease: it was much filthier
than the movie was.
saving my pennies
to go see Hair on broadway.
grew up on soundtrack.
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