From geekology, No, not bowls like cereal bowls, I'm talking bowels -- his butt-parts, yo!
Shocked doctors in Sichuan, China, found the sea creature in the 59-year-old man's rectum after his death, it has been reported.
The 50cm long Asian swamp eel was allegedly inserted into the unnamed man's bottom, after he passed out drunk, by pals playing a prank on him.
Medics said the eel had devoured his bowels.
What. the. f***? Listen: if the people you're hanging out with have a penchant for stuffing things up your ass when you pass out drunk you need to run DO NOT WALK to a new group of friends. I mean, WHO SQUEEZES AN EEL UP A DRUNK MAN'S ASS?! That's not a prank. Drawing a penis on someone's face is a prank. Jamming a fish in their rectum is a PRACTICAL JOKE.
That is truly horrifying.
I had to invent a new word to describe my reaction to this: disgusturbing.
So Johnny, if you read it over and over again, are you disgusturbating?
I do not believe this shit for one second.
Did the eel live? Because if it didn't, that guy's ghost is going to have the ghost of that eel in his ass for eternity.
His ghost ass.
I prefer "ass ghost"
Yeah, we all know what you like.
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