Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lindsay to the world, "FU"!

Click on picture to see the FU!

From huffingtonpost, Lindsay Lohan had a special message for the court on Tuesday, and she painted it on her fingernail. The eagle eyes at WWTDD noticed that on Lohan's middle finger, often held to her lips, was the message "Fuck U."

She was sentenced to 90 days in jail at the probation violation hearing. In addition bursting into tears, Lohan covered her face at one point with the paper she took notes on. That's below the finger photo, rotated so you can read her list of excuses and explanations.


Catfreeek said...

I have to admit, it's devious and I like it.

Octopunk said...

Eh, she stole it from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Her handwriting is surprisingly neat.


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