From iwatchstuff, Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller have decided to stretch their, frankly, fucking exhausting conflict out for one more film--just to make it an even decade--and there's now this poster to commemorate the event. These guys are back to show all these other assholes how real professionals occupy a white vacuum accompanied by red type, while also slyly dropping Little Fockers into a subtitle position, just to say, "Hey, in case you're retarded (we know our audience), remember that movie? Yeah. This is the next one."
Yes, frankly fucking exhausting. I'll never see any of these movies* and I'm still weary of their existence.
*Again, that is. Saw the first one. Loathed it.
The movies are almost as tiresome as actual marriage.
I mean--um, what?
Oh please, they're WAY worse than actual marriage.
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