Monday, April 07, 2008

At JSP's request...

This isn't even really current, as I grow more enormous every day.


JPX said...

Looking good, mommy!

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Ok so I guess my theory that the two of you made this whole "pregnancy" thing up as a gag to get attention was wrong.

I predict May 18 (that's also Running Freak and my grandmother's birthday).

JPX said...

Just don't have him on the day Indiana Jones opens.

Julie said...

You should do a little betting pool!

My new official due date is June 3rd, but I still think May 30th is going to be it.

Julie said...

Oh, and the Indiana Jones thing is kind of sad for me.

I had my Indiana Jones collection in the local public library when I was a kid. I don't admit this very often.

JPX said...

"Indiana Jones collection"?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Yeah, what do you mean "Indiana Jones collection"? I want an Indiana Jones collection...

Julie said...

I don't know if you'll see this at this point, but the library let some kids put different collections in this display case near the kids' section, and I put all my little ROTLA cards down there, and my script (first script I ever got my hands on), and a few other things. I'm so embarrassed about this now.

Julie said...

And my poster...I was very taken with that movie.

JPX said...

Don't worry, Octo has all those cards =)

Octopunk said...

I bought them as a set!

Landshark said...

Awesome pic. And I want to see that Indy collection. I won some elementary school fiction contest with my first ever (last?) short story, a sequel to ROTLA in which Indy gets stuck in a rocket heading to the moon, and the rocket is full of snakes!

Julie said...

Genius! That's the screenplay I should write! Uh, except landshark already wrote it. Damn!

Julie said...

And I don't have my collection anymore. Unlike Octo, I don't save every single thing. A lot of my stuff like that actually got stolen from a storage space, which was a real bummer.

Octopunk said...

Holy crap! Landshark wrote Snakes on a Plane twenty years before it came out!

And he still didn't get the credit. Maybe that's a lesson of encouragement, Jules.

DKC said...

YAY! I missed the request but had thought it the other day as well.

You look AWESOME! I'm putting my money on June 6th.


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