Monday, April 07, 2008

Behind The Scenes Of Watchmen

From cinemablend, While other major heavily frenzied franchises keep their fans at arms length, Watchmen is embracing them with open arms. While filming director Zack Snyder updated us with production blogs, and now that they’re in post-production Warner Brothers plans to start releasing a series of video journals that will let us behind the scenes to see how they’ve made the Watchmen universe happen.

The first of those video journals is online now. It’s a behind the scenes look at how they build the locations for the film, many of which, unlike just about every other movie out there, are actual sets and not CGI green screens.

Go here for video.

1 comment:

Octopunk said...

I haven't watched the video yet, but the geek in me must point out that the "Who Watches the Watchmen" phrase is never fully seen in any of the comic book art. It's either obscured by something or, in at least one case, unfinished.


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