Friday, April 11, 2008

Mother of Tears trailer!

From bloodydisgusting, check out the full theatrical trailer for Myraid Pictures' upcoming release of The Mother of Tears (review), Dario Argento's highly anticipated third mother film. Arriving June 3 in limited theaters, the film centers on a young American art student, Sarah, who "unwittingly opens an ancient urn that unleashes the demonic power of the world's most powerful witch. As a scourge of suicides plague the city and witches from all over the world converge on Rome to pay homage, Sarah must use all her own psychic powers to stop the 'Mother of Tears' before her evil conquers the world.

See it here


DKC said...

I want to put Dario Argento's movies on my list for Horrorthon this year - but I am somewhat trepidatious, they make me nervous.

JPX said...

They should, his stuff is really creepy!

Poltergeist III

(1988) **1/2 Carol Anne gets sent away from her family, halfway across the country to live with her aunt's family, and to attend a schoo...