From slashfilm, The next battlefront in the war against guns won’t be in the nation’s law books, nor will it be done through community gatherings. It will be at your local Woolworths. According to the Metro (via The Daily What), Woolworths retail stores in the UK have decided to stop selling lightsabers because they resemble guns.
Last year, the UK made it illegal to sell imitation guns to kids. While lightsabers don’t fall into this category of toys, Woolworths appears to subscribe to the belief that it’s better to be safe than sorry. According to one industry insider quoted in the story, ” The act governing imitation firearms, says this would not be deemed to look like a gun, but Woolworths appears to not be taking any chances.”
No kidding.
And sure that's outrageous and all, but consider this:
1. Perhaps if the big stores get too puritan about certain mainstream items, the Mom n' Pop stores will have a shot selling said items. If there are any mom n' pops left, that is.
2. Woolworths? Who here is near a Woolworths?
3. It's the UK. This is the US, and we will never deny a kid the right to a toy gun. Or a real gun for that matter...
I'm just glad that Benny's is still hanging in over here. The last of the small time department store. You always find what you need at Benny's.
You can never find what you need at Bennys! It's even worse than KB and just as expensive. It's mind-boggling to me that Bennys still exists in 2008. I must admit that there's one close to my house and I still wander in there once in a while hoping to score some cool toys. I never do.
Yeah, I'm kind of not on board with Benny's either. I admit that I can usually find what I want, but they are not cheap! Big tupperware bins were two times as much there then at Walmart. I get that Walmart is generally evil and all - but it's a less expensive evil.
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