Saturday, September 05, 2009

Daily Spider-Man - Today's Edition: The End?


Johnny Sweatpants said...

Notice how Mary Jane positioned herself into the first frame? She just can't get enough attention.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Also, I'm curious to see how long this denouement is going to last. As Octopunk indicated, yesterday's strip should have included a big fat "THE END".

Octopunk said...

I indicated no such thing. Slap yourself again.

I like how Doc Ock has to add "on a TV commercial" to the end of his dumb comment, just to make sure the slow kids catch on. And when I say I like it, I mean I don't like it. But I like making fun of it.

Octopunk said...

So! This does seem like the end, doesn't it? This story started on a Monday, so I wonder if the denouement is going to last all week or wrap it up tomorrow.

Tomorrow would be nice, but I can think of a lot of topics to go over:

How Wolverine escaped from the energy-dampening doohicky.

The fact that Wolverine is already aware of Spidey's identity.

What the FUCK Mary Jane was thinking when she left the damn house.

A reference to "the wide open spaces."

JPX said...

It looks like your M.J. prediction might be accurate!


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...