Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The End of an Old Friend

On September 6th Showcase 1-10 in Seekonk will be closing it's doors forever. Goodbye old friend.

This makes JPX sad


Catfreeek said...

This makes me sad too. Both my boys are currently working there. They believe they will be transferred to Route 6.

I think we should all go see a movie there together before the doors close. What do say Horrorthon?

Octopunk said...

Nooooo! That's terrible news. That was our go-to theater since way before I had a driver's license. I saw Return of the Jedi there on opening night, in a theater that has now been split into two. During the JPX reign I never paid for anything. I hilariously boosted a Dick Tracy display from the empty lobby.

I've got something in my eye...

Johnny Sweatpants said...

NOOOO!!! That’s the theater where I farted in the megaphone, ate my body weight in Pic & Mix, swiped garbage bags full of popcorn, threw soda grenades in empty theaters, watched Natural Born Killers so many times I no longer know the difference between right and wrong etc.

O’well, I’d rather have that place close than the ol’ Cinema Pub. And let’s be honest – having 2 multiplexes so close together was idiotic to begin with. Every movie that came out played in 5 theaters.

DKC said...

Aw. That makes me sad too! Although I don't have quite as many memories as some of you do, that was definitely the theater of my youth and teen years. WAH!

Catfreeek said...

For those who don't know I painted those larger than life murals on the windows while JSP, JPX & Stan had the displeasure of taking them down :(

JPX said...

I'm sad about this news. For 6 years Showcase Cinemas was my playground. I was averaging about 80 movies/year (yes I kept lists) and ate more popcorn than most will eat in a lifetime. I too took garbage bags full of popcorn to college. I still have dozens of movie posters and other memorabilia. As Octo noted, I let him (and others) into hundreds of movies. I do believe I need to go there one more time, grab some corn, and watch one final movie there. Sniff.

Catfreeek said...

Zeke just brought home some movie posters including Harry Potter 7. They started giving a whole bunch of stuff away to the employees since the news hit.


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