A barrel of toxic waste goes a-missin' on redneck land. Local bootleggers use the toxic waste barrel as a still, creating an alcoholic beverage that turns the whole community into bloodthirsty zombies. An odd collection of hikers find themselves in the zombies' neck of the woods. Will anyone survive? And are we supposed to care, really?
My first Troma film! And maybe my last, or maybe Mr. AC and I will do a whole Troma-thon some year. So Troma afficionados, correct me if I'm wrong: the worst acting, seriously, ever. I'm pretty sure the actors in my high school were better than any of these folks. Characters exclusively stereotypes. Lots of shocky-gory-violent scenes. Ultra low budget. Plenty of cheap jokes and otherwise juvenile humor, some of which connects. Lame but straightforward plot. Not scary at all. I gave this particular Troma gem one and a half stars because of the humor and the gore, and because (after reading JPX's review of The Climax) it wasn't a musical.
Yeah, I tried a troma flick one time in grad school and didn't get all the way through it. I can kinda see the appeal, and maybe particularly so for this month on this blog, but mostly, meh...
That picture makes me want to punch my computer. I had a thing for the original Toxic Avenger but for the most part Troma films would be better off just going away.
AC as you and Mr.AC continue on your zombie fest might I recommend a film called "Fido" it's a different take on zombies and I think you both will enjoy it.
That picture is hilarious.
I'm with JSP, I can't watch Troma films and I'm so glad you guys are covering them! I hope you get some better horror in over the next 10 days, you deserve a break from the awfulness.
Watching a Troma film is a singular experience except that the other ones are just as bad. They have their place, I suppose, but I couldn't tell you where that place is. Maybe out in the garage, behind the broken fridge.
The combo of that picture and your recap really made me laugh, AC.
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