I saw someone playing on an iPad a few weeks ago and I thought "meh." But actually playing it is rad and totally addictive. It's totally raddictive. The kinematics of the bird ballistics and the stuff falling down is intensely satisfying, and the sound effects are hilarious. Here, watch.
As the game progresses you get different birds with strange new skills for knocking shit over (I've been ploughing through levels and seeing these red birds solo is actually kind of quaint).
Death to pigs!
Ben has been addicted to this for quite some time but I never really looked at it (I'm still Doodle Jumping!). There's a rumor that they're going to make an Angry Birds movie. I'll have to get the App!
I hiiiighly recommend it. I love Doodle Jump but I'm afraid it's been replaced in my video heart.
(Although an advantage to Doodle Jump is you can play it anywhere, like waiting in line at Target. Angry Birds is a little more demanding.)
Looks like fun.
Dammit, I'm totally addicted.
Wow, did you actually go from newbie to addict in the space of 78 minutes? That's excellent.
Yes I did.
*shaking fist* Damn you people and your fancy iPhones!!
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