From cinemablend, Disappointment is all based on perspective and expectations. The first time I tried the Baconator from Wendy’s, I was extremely disappointed. This was because I love Dave Thomas cheeseburgers, as well as bacon, and adding a lot of each of those elements seemed like it should have created the greatest fast food sandwich ever. In reality, it was just good. There was no special sauce taking it to a new level or hidden ingredient to differentiate it from any other Wendy’s cheeseburgers with bacon. Now that I’m a little more detached from the situation, I’ve realized the Baconator should continue existing. Likewise, some of the films on this list were worth making. Even if they never quite achieved what we expected, they still were good enough to at least entertain us. Then again, some of the films on this list suck. At one point or another, we thought they had something to offer, but in the end, they’ll go down merely as disasters.
See list here
Oh fart. Tron is already on disappointing lists? I haven't even seen it yet.
Putting it out there that I liked Tron quite a lot,
Zeke saw it today and he liked it too
Shockingly, I haven't seen a single one of those movies. Okay...not shockingly.
Jake liked Iron Man 2. If that counts for anything.
Tron was a-ok in my book!
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