Thursday, March 21, 2013

Real-Life Superhero Quits Crime-Fighting After Getting Beat Up

From worstpreviews, back in 2011, Roger Hayhurst made it on national news for dressing up as a superhero, named Knight Warrior, and patrollingthe streetsof Manchester, England. He was even joined by his girlfriend, Rebecca, who named herself Knight Maiden.

At the time, Hayhurst vowed "to get crime offthe streets." But things have changed. Hayhurst, who's 20-years-old, tells The Telegraph that he quit crime-fighting after getting beat up.

"We were recognized when we were walking thorough Clifton and some lads started punching me," he said. "My face was all swollen. After that I still dress up and occasionally patrol, but I mainly dress up for charity appearances. Rebecca has got rid of her costume now."


Octopunk said...

Maybe his problem is that he's mild-mannered in both of his personas. Or that he's tasked himself to get crime off of some streets that don't have any onther people on them. Or that his benefactor is some kind of benign, incoherent city troll.

Gotta give him props, that's a pretty good costume.

Octopunk said...

Follow up: I had to find a picture of his girlfriend and now I feel bad for the guy. No wait... she's cute! That's not what I meant.

Click here and scroll down. They're both adorable. But I preferred his trimmed-down costume better.

DKC said...

Coupla things - that video with him running and lurking behind a tree makes him look like a total dork. Which I'm not saying he is - but it's not too inspiring.
Also - maybe he wouldn't have gotten so beat up if he'd stayed with the heavier armor-like suit that's in Octo's link.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...