From slashfilm, Sony Pictures and Disney have officially announced that Marvel Studios will produce the next Spider-Man movie. Feel that? Marvel fans around the world are jumping up and down with excitement as they will finally get to see Peter Parker join the Marvel Cinematic Universe and possibly share the screen with Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man and Chris Evans’ Captain America. Read more about the Spiderman Marvel Studios announcement after the jump.
Spiderman Marvel Studios Announcement
Here are the facts that have been officially announced:
“Under the deal, the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe.”
Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next installment of the Spider-Man franchise on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his team at Marvel and Amy Pascal.
Marvel and Sony Pictures are also “exploring opportunities to integrate characters from the MCU into future Spider-Man films.”
Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films.
Is This a Spider-Man reboot?
Calling the character “the new Spider-man” makes it sound like a reboot of the franchise. The press release does not mention Andrew Garfield or the creative team behind The Amazing Spider-Man series. Marc Webb is almost certainly out at this point. Reportedly, long-time Spider-Man film producer Avi Arad will exec produce the film with Matt Tolmach. That hopefully means they’re basically getting that credit and a check as a nod for past efforts, but might not have much to do with the actual film.
In fact, there seems to be confirmation that Andrew Garfield is out, and Peter Parker/Spider-Man will be recast.
CONFIRMED: Andrew Garfield is NO LONGER Spider-Man. Someone new will be cast. First appearance in MCU, then solo film.
— Linda Ge (@lindazge) February 10, 2015
Is the MCU Spider-Man Solo movie really going to go head to head with Thor 3?
The release date of the next installment of the Spider-Man franchise is the same date Marvel was scheduled to release Thor: Ragnarok, which has now been pushed to November 3rd, 2017. In fact, the rest of Marvel’s release calendar has been shuffled backward to make room for Spider-Man. (And a reminder: the next solo Spidey film is still technically a Sony effort, but Marvel is clearly running with the opportunity to play with the character.)
What About the Other Spider-Man Movies Sony Planned, Such as Sinister Six and Venom?
The original plan was for Sony to release Sinister 6 in 2016, following up with the female Spider-man in 2017 before The Amazing Spider-Man 3 in 2018. It seems like all of that is at the very least up in the air. There’s one report that Sinister Six is at least delayed, and given the possibility that MCU characters will show up in Spider-Man films, we’re guessing that Sony is now re-thinking the entire plan it had laid out for other Spider-Man spin-off films and sequels. Given that the main character is being recast, they might have to build casts from the ground up.
Update: Sony will NOT release "Sinister Six" in Nov 2016, source says. Sony delaying, rethinking, but still developing in light of new deal
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