Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Forbidden LEGO Instructions

From geekology, As a world renowned architect, I grew up building a lot of LEGO sets. Most of them skyscrapers and other buildings of my own design. Now, No Starch Press is releasing a book of LEGO designs (208 pp., $24.95) that you were not allowed to make growing up, most of which are weapons. I had a lot of these ideas as a kid though. Of course my "Lego Grenade" looked a lot less like a grenade and more like my drunken mother smashing one of my houses against the wall because I hid her liquor.

A video here,


Octopunk said...

Oh, "Forbidden" my ass. It's just rubber-band guns and catapults for M&M's and stuff. I thought they'd found one of the legendary bootleg Ron Jeremy minfigures.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

"Ron Jeremy minifigure" = oxymoron!

JPX said...

Yeah, where are the Lego boobs?

Julie said...

Octo is doing a sex change on one of his minifigures now, drawing cleavage on it to make it a lady.

With all those puppet making skills, you'd think he could make some of those minifigures grow some manhood.

Octopunk said...

As with most puppet conundrums, the problem is movement. Any minifig "attachments" there would pop off if the character sat down or even moved its legs slightly forward.

Still, let it not be said I don't enjoy a challenge...


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...