From starwars, Ever wonder what it would be like to pour over Lucas' original handwritten story treatment for Empire, or thumb through a photo album given to the cast and crew of A New Hope? Do you regret throwing out that rare program book for a 1978 Star Wars concert performed by John Williams, or that ticket stub to the one and only licensed Star Wars Circus? And just where did that Star Wars t-shirt go that you wore as a kid? Well, fans can now relive the Star Wars saga as insiders, concert goers, t-shirt savvy kids and others would have experienced it in a massive new interactive tome called The Star Wars Vault from Harper Entertainment.
Written by Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet and Pete Vilmur, The Star Wars Vault recounts the history of the pervasive saga which spans three decades and has generated scores of paraphernalia -- items readers can now unfold, flip over, touch, and even hear -- reproduced script pages, tickets, blueprints, catalogs, stickers, sheet music, audio interviews, radio spots, radio drama excerpts and more. But these are just the beginning of this mega-scrapbook of all things Star Wars.
The Star Wars Vault includes:
50 interactive, rare and some never-before-published memorabilia, including reproductions of Lucas's own handwritten script pages, flip-through catalogs, swag, posters, T-shirt transfers, tattoos, stickers, blueprints, production notes, animation cells and much more!
Hundreds of photos and pieces of artwork.
2 CDs containing over 2 hours of vintage radio ads, original cast interviews, excerpts from the NPR Star Wars radio drama, the complete Star Tours soundtrack, George Lucas's commentary and other tracks that tell the story of everyone's favorite galaxy battle as never before.

I've held this lovingly every time I've gone into a bookstore but I have yet to purchase it because I'm in the midst of buying XMAS presents for others. You should definitely check this out when you get the chance, it's full of random reporductions of all things Star Wars including tee-shirt iron-ons and Presto Magics. This is the coolest goddamn thing I've ever seen. You will be mine, soon, you will be mine.
Presto Magics!! Cool!
It sounds like all the accumulated crap inside the luggage of that kid from Almost Famous. Except, you know, Star Wars.
Does it have stills of the kissing scene on the Millenium Falcon that nobody can remember? Hmm?
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