Monday, April 14, 2008

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Movie Review

The Bollmeister is back with another piece of bizarre Dadaist entertainment. It is a film sure to be the centre of future drinking games and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 criticism. One can only assume that the intended vision of Dungeon Siege was that of Lord of the Rings, which unfortunately makes the entire debacle that much more amusing. Uwe Boll is known for responding to criticism by threatening violence or uttering profanity; after watching his films, it seems clear why. He simply doesn’t appear to put enough thought or preparation into his works, utilizing a point-and-shoot technique not dissimilar to the wide-eyed innocence of Ed Wood. It is perhaps this profane innocence that strangely endears Boll to his harshest critics, who secretly want him to get it together and make something good.

Despite the occasionally inspired production design, there isn’t a great deal of good going on in Dungeon Siege. It’s a peculiar patchwork of misguided performances, amusing dialogue and incomplete coverage that must have driven the editor insane. One can only wonder if the actors were asked to step on each others lines and if the abrasive score was added to help the audience know what was going on. It’s really something that needs to be seen to be believed; acting as kind of a Showgirls without all of the vagina.

See full review here

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