Tuesday, August 05, 2008

If I Don’t Die, I Might Be Cured

I’m sure none of you except for JPX knows that I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobic. It’s annoying, but manageable. Though, since I met JPX and listened to his words of wisdom I’ve been trying to get better. After repeatedly watching him lick germy objects without any vial repercussions, I’ve started to become less neurotic about germ encounters in my daily life. I

Today I did something that normally I couldn’t be paid to do. I was driving in my car and suddenly I got a little hungry, and I had a bag of popcorn crumbs that were left over from the movies last night. Don’t ask me what I watched because I didn’t see a movie. I just got the popcorn and ate it in the parking lot. I have no problem eating old popcorn, but the issue was that there were dirty napkins inside the bag sitting right on top of the popcorn. You see, I thought I was going to throw the bag away last night, but after eating all that popcorn grease my friends and I were too lazy to walk to the trash, so I tossed the bag in the next best place, the floor of my car. Thinking I would throw it out, I had picked up the napkins I had dropped in the parking lot along with nearby napkins that did not belong to me, and could have been used for God knows what, and then shoved them in the popcorn bag. I didn’t even touch those napkins with my bare hands. Today I was hungry and thought about how good the popcorn tasted last night and after several minutes of internal debating I decided I’d risk it. So far I still appear in good health, but it could be too soon to tell. If I get sick I’ll have to blame JPX because I would never have engaged in this type of behavior prior to meeting him.


miko564 said...

Whirly I knew I liked you, I just didn't know why...I do now. I love neurotic people!

One question, how much time today have you spent thinking about what the napkins may have been used for?

DKC said...

Good for you Whirly! (I think.) It's okay to give you props for eating old, possibly germy popcorn, right? 'Cause I'm givin' em to you!

Whirlygirl said...

This is exactly the thing that JPX has been trying to get me to do for awhile, but I've always squirmed at the idea, BUT popcorn is a powerful thing.

Miko, I thought about those germs quite a few times today. I had a moment when I felt very warm and a little faint, but I convinced myself that it was just my fear getting the best of me; although, I really could be getting sick. It's still too soon to tell. My throat does feel slightly sore though.

I have to give it at least three days. If I’m still ok in three days then my next task will be to eat popcorn from the trash. Just kidding, even popcorn isn’t worth that amount of nastiness.

JPX said...

Oh please, when I worked at Showcase Cinemas My fellow ushers and I would frequently eat popcorn out of bags we found while we cleaned the theaters. I have never been ill in my life. If we were this fragile we would have died out long ago as a species.

Good exposure work, WG!

Landshark said...

You don't still work at Showcase, JPX? Burt and Tricia are are gonna be pissed.

Octopunk said...

This issue always reminds me of a mostly-full bag of food JPX and I found at Rocky Point. They were hush puppies or potato balls or something like that, beyond our financial means and greasy and delicious. We spotted it there, shared a look, and then had a brief, enthusiastic symposium on this very topic while we ate the bag's yummy contents.

Thinking about that warms my heart. Free greasy food with a good friend in Rocky Point in the summertime. Is there anything better, seriously?

Welcome to the jungle, Whirlygirl.

AC said...

great exposure whirlygirl. i've conducted, observed, and supervised exposure therapy for germ phobics a great deal in my work life, and i'm happy to say your "day-old popcorn, nasty other-people's napkins" is a pretty mild exercise. at a conference i attended this past weekend, one lecturer had the ocd sufferers in the audience chew other people's used gum. oogy, yes, but people rarely get sick from these shenanigans. keep up the good work!

i'm also interested in any additional "disgusting food" stories people may have, on a purely professional basis of course.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Whirlygirl - that's just plain disgusting and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Who knows what those napkins were used for? A gross, runny nose perhaps? Or maybe to satisfy an itch in the nether regions?


I think I'm gonna be sick.

Whirlygirl said...

Hey!!!! I think what Octo and JPX ate at Rocky Point was much worse. Someone could have sneezed in that bag of hush puppies or maybe even spit in it.

…and think about the people that frequented Rocky Point. Ewwwwwwwwwww. The documentary “You Must Be This Tall” collaborates this.

JPX, it’s playing at movies on the block tomorrow. I’m going to pass on that one, but next week is American Graffiti. Put it on your calendar.

Whirlygirl said...

and i'm still not sick.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Whirly don't get me wrong - JPX and Octo's barbaric actions are simply appalling and I don't think I can ever look at either of them the same way. It's just that I expected more from you I suppose...

Whirlygirl said...

JSP, you would have been very proud of my old ways. Before I met JPX I wouldn't have even eaten a piece of food that fell on my shirt (which are very clean), but he corrupted me. He brought me over to the germ side. Now I’m disgusting.

Johnny Sweatpants said...

I'm totally kidding by the way. You wouldn't believe the unspeakable things I've consumed in my day.


AC said...

johnny, remind me to keep you far away from napkins in future (itchy nether regions indeed). more importantly, you have violated "miko's rule": once a topic is mentioned on the blog, it must be disclosed. what "unspeakable things" have you consumed?

Johnny Sweatpants said...

Hmm let's see... Off the top of my head -

1) A dog biscuit. (I was curious ok? FYI - it tasted like shit.)

2) A spilled frozen cocktail off the carpet of a friend's house. (No, I'm not proud...)

3) I'll never tell!!!

AC said...


anybody else?

JPX said...

A bag of Doritos sitting next to a pool of vomit on the floor of Showcase Cinemas (no vomit in bag).


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...