Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome, Nowandzen! And other announcements...

Jules was in severe need of a nap and every time we moved Zack from the officially unsafe snuggle spot to his bassinet he woke up, so I'm watching to make sure he doesn't get squished and diddling on my laptop (which I used to take this picture).

Announcement #1 Welcome, Nowandzen! I say again. Nowandzen is a friend of Landshark's and has already leant some pointed comments to our posts in the past. This puts him up on Landshark's other invitee Rum and my friend Gobaers, both of whom shared our masthead for a while but never even typed a single apostrophe on a comment page (both of you are welcome back anytime, btw, we don't have any quotas besides "not zero").

You are just in time, herr Zen, for our annual contest. More on that later.

Anouncement #2 Art art art! I've been feeling guilty that multiple posts from both Whirlygirl and Catfreeek regarding their work have drifted past me and I haven't thrown in my encouragement. It's usually because I want to take the time to craft something special and when that time finally arrives the post has been buried in the past. So...

Whirly: Love the freaky lens on your mind's eye! You have a keen sense for beauty in squalor, and you're giving J-horror a run for its money, creepiness-wise. Keep it up!

Catfreeek: Wow! Your stuff is great (Absorbing Ash is my favorite), and your dedication to Halloween is fawesome! (And regarding Halloween prep vs. Horrorthon time, I try to think of the conflict as part of the fun. No matter how prepared you get, don't most costumes involve some wonderful last minute frenzy?)

Announcement #3 I have got to catch up on my Simpsons! I had no idea Alan Moore ever guest starred! I wanted to swap out the pic below to illustrate the latest report on Moore's old man crankiness, but I didn't know if enough of you regularly scroll down. Anyway, hilarious.

Announcement #4 Recommendations. I think Johnny Sweatpants thought of this last year, Horrorthonners recommending films they've viewed in the past as "must sees" or "highly suggest you sees" to the rest. I'm going to look through my lists on the Horrorthon Score Blog and cough up some ideas. Not in this post, however, because I think the critter might be waking up. And I welcome suggestions from all-y'all.

HorrorTHON! I love this time of year.


nowandzen said...

Thank you. :) I have enjoyed following you group of hoodlums since landshark introduced me. Thanks for the welcome.

Catfreeek said...

Nowandzen~I'm sure your as excited as I am to be participating in this years Horrorthon. It should be blast.
Like you & Landshark I was a voyeur for years and this year JSP finally convinced me to jump in the water. I'm having a blast! So welcome and I'll be looking forward to your posts.

Octo~Thanks so much for the appreciation. It really means a lot to get feedback from creative minds such as yours. If you're looking for a rare gem of a b movie try "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter" if you haven't already. It makes "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" look like a big budget film. My hubby has challenged me to top myself each Christmas in finding him the cheesiest horror movie ever made, I haven't found anything worse than JCVH as of yet. Oh yeah, it's a musical.

DKC said...

Welcome Nowandzen! Man, this Thon is gonna rock with all these peoples' input!

I love the idea of a veteran "Must-See" list as I found myself last year kind of floundering around with no real idea of what to watch.

miko564 said...

Welcome Nowandzen, I dig the moniker.

Make sure your relationship is stable, cause your significant other is gonna wonder what the hell you are doing checking the site 20+ times a day...

Just sayin'.

JPX said...

I like the idea of a "must see" list for the uninitiated. Check Horrorthon on Monday for a list of recommendations*.

*Movies we insist you watch...

JPX said...

I love that picture, Octo, it really says it all! "

"Great, they're finally both asleep and I can get some damn blogging done!, Wait, did I just hear a stir?"

Whirlygirl said...

Welcome Nowandzen!

Octo, thanks for your comments. Your stuff is really great too! I've recently put photography on hold because of school, but I do hope to get some creepy pics of me and JPX in costume for Horrorthon. JPX, maybe while were at the apple orchard next week?

Catfreeek, thanks for recommending JCVH. JPX hates musicals so I think I may make him suffer through it.

AC said...

welcome nowandzen!

catfreeek, "Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter" sounds well-nigh irresistable. how come i have never heard of it before?

AC said...

love the "watchmen babies" cartoon.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...