(2011) ***1/2
Set in the late 80s the third installment of the series recounts the childhood events of Katie and Kristi all caught on VHS tapes. Kristi has an imaginary friend and her mother and stepfather begin to hear strange noises at night…
Over the years there has been a lot of chatter on this blog about the nature of “horror” and what makes us scared. One reason I love Horrorthon is because it reminds me that horror is very subjective as evidenced by the vastly differing opinions we all have with certain films. The Paranormal films are perhaps the best example because they are so divisive. Some seem to find them glacially paced and downright boring while others find them spine-tingling. Who is right? No one is right because it’s all subjective, silly geese!

As I reflect on the numerous horror movies I have watched in my lifetime I have come to understand that what makes us scared is not only subjective but also changes over time. For example, after seeing the original Halloween for the first time I was terrified. Today ‘slashers’ do little for me. It’s not that I’m unable to enjoy them; they just don’t scare me in the least. Today I find that I’m most bothered by found footage stories or movies like Paranormal Activity, which resonate with me because of their cinema verite. When I watch the Paranormal films I feel like I’m watching real people living regular lives that become disrupted by (initially) subtle otherworldly activity. The actors are all unknowns and therefore do not take us out of the story. I also like the film’s excellent use of silence, which adds to the realism. There are no violins preparing us to be “scared” in the Paranormal Activity films or in real life.

Always reliable Trevor managed to get of the first review of Paranormal Activity 3 up earlier in the month (jerk). Although he enjoyed it he merely found it serviceable and did not believe it added anything to the paranormal mythos. I wholeheartedly disagree and would say that this was hands down the best installment of the series (for me) so far. Easily the scariest entry in the franchise, the last 10 minutes just crackle with intensity. By time the credits roll a huge piece has been added to the paranormal puzzle. I think Paranormal Activity 3 resonated with me because this installment focuses on Katie and Kristi (excellent little actresses, by the way) as children rather than adults. Freaking out adults is one thing, but scaring children who, for example, innocently hide under their covers when bad things are unfolding, makes your hearts cry out for them. I think this series just keeps getting better and better and I can’t wait for part 4.
Johnny Sweatpants said...
My dislike of these movies hasn't changed much since the original Paranormal Activity but that's unsurprising because I haven't seen parts 2 or 3.
You make a good point about the realism adding to the scare factor but found footage films generally annoy me because they remind me of reality TV, which I can't stand. I suppose those who have watched every episode of Jersey Shore *cough cough, JPX & Whirly* have a higher tolerance.
I don't discredit the scare factor in these films. I liked the second better than the first mostly because the couple in the first were jerks. Their constant bickering got on my nerves. I will gladly give this one a whirl.
Not reading this review - but I'm happy with your rating. Really want to see this!!
I will definitely check these out someday. I believe I share Johnny's distate for the form although usually when I push past my reluctance I enjoy myself (I'm probably still stinging from disliking Blair Witch so much.
Yay for silence!
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