From Darkhorizons, 'Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad has left his job this week to run his own production company, and iF Magazine caught up with him yesterday just before the announcement to talk about the future of the "X-Men" franchise.
First up, "Wolverine" - is it a prequel or sequel? "I don't want to call it a prequel nor a sequel. It is Wolverine's story and it is really concentrating on him. It's about his life, his mysteries, and his loves. It's not really a prequel or a sequel. It's just a story like in the comics where we have X-Men, Wolverine, and books dealing with the other X-Men".
"Magneto" is still in the works and will span many years of the character's life. And a fourth "X-Men"? "There's always a chance of an X-MEN sequel. It's more of an issue of what is the next X-Men story, and when to do it. There are an endless amount of stories and great sagas that can go into the future, the past, and the present. There are so many more characters that we didn't deal with yet. I would not preclude anything".
Finally, he confirmed that whilst they didn't cut anything from the film for time, they did have "things that we did specifically for the DVD" and said "Absolutely" to the chances of an extended edition DVD.
How Arad's new arrangements will affect his involvement is unsure right now, though he's still attached to produce projects like "Hulk 2" and "Iron Man".'
"It's not really a prequel or a sequel."
This guy really, really, really cracks me up.
Like I said yesterday, I wish him luck in "trying" to show the Silver Surfer. He's got to mastermind all that "trying" and meanwhile make a movie about Wolverine that does not take place before OR after any of the existing X-Men movies.
This guy may be the next cinema genius.
"There's always a chance of an X-MEN sequel. It's more of an issue of what is the next X-Men story, and when to do it."
Well, that didn't take too long. Nothing like a record-breaking opening to get minds a-changing. Now all they need to do is re-cast Storm or find a way to write her out of the script.
Maybe they'll call the Wolverine movie a "nequel."
He sounds like some little guy on the side who was allowed to come to the meeting (so long as he didn't talk) and sat there swiveling his head back and forth, avidly taking it all in, while the actual producers formulated the plans. Then he talked to a reporter (since he was "at the meeting") and tried to remember and convey as much as he could of what he'd heard, presenting it all as what "we" are going to do.
And the hits keep coming. "It's more of an issue of what is the next X-Men story, and when to do it." As opposed to WHAT? What ELSE is there to decide about a movie besides a) what the movie is going to be and b) when you're going to make it?
Also, as bears on the prequel/sequel problem, someone need to tell him that the comic book community ENDURES continuity problems (that are intrinsic to the form) but does not deliberately CREATE continuity problems for creative reasons as he's describing.
I can't wait for his next remark. I'll bet he's going to explain to us that Halle Berry's participation in an X-Men movie and Storm's appearance in the movie itself are fundamentally related to each other.
Like this:
Q: "Is Storm going to be in the next movie?"
A: "Well, of course what you have to understand is, that really depends on getting Halle Berry. Of course if she wants to do it and we want her in there, then Storm will be in the movie...unless of course we cast someone else. Even in that case, if we decide not to hire Halle or another actress, then that probably means no Storm. It all depends on what we decide to do, which is based on our ideas of what to do next, with the X-Men franchise."
Nobody's with me on this. (*sob*)
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