I love this guy's take on things. From X-entertainment, "I know that Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter ranks pretty high on most Jason aficionados' top lists, but I think it may be my favorite of the entire lot. Swept in just before the franchise took a turn for the spoof, it was allegedly intended as the final sendoff for Mr. Voorhees and his treacherous ways. One 32 million dollar gross at U.S. theaters later, and we've had six more sequels and probably another seventeen forthcoming. I don't know if I'd classify The Final Chapter as a perfect finale for the series, but it's easily some of Jason's best work, encapsulating the true spirit of the franchise perhaps even better than the first installment.
I know I'm dealing with a good bad movie these days if I end up watching it over and over again with no real intention of throwing a review on the site. That's been the case with The Final Chapter, and while the current DVD release has awful sound, it's compensated with nice picture clarity and the requisite theatrical trailer. Added inspiration for my lust was the fact that the DVD only cost ten bucks. Since this is one of the rare occasions where I'm literally suggesting that you go out and buy something, I won't spoil the entire plot. I hereby swear, I'll only spoil the good parts."
Go here to read his hilarious review,it's really funny: http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0903/
Ha! Holy crap that was funny. I love this wrap-up:
"I don't want to compare this against all of the other Friday the 13th films too much, because opinions are subjective and I don't want to spark any "you're wrong" debates over this being the best one, because I hate being wrong, and because this is the best one."
Except that part 6 is the best one. There, I said it.
Yeah, I've always championed part VI, but it's a bit of a toss-up between that one and IV.
Crispin Glover dancing!
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