From Iwatchstuff, "Larry and Andy Wachowski, the creative force behind The Matrix trilogy, may write and direct the live-action, feature film version of Speed Racer for Joel Silver Pictures and Warner Bros...None of the parties involved would go on the record when asked about the project.
Fans of the series know that Speed Racer founded the "bullet time" effect used so heavily in The Matrix series when Speed first froze at the end of the series' title sequence and the camera spun around him. With these two bullet time legends in bed together, I can only imagine what will result. It will probably take two hours to cover four minutes of events, but it won't matter with how sweet that shit is.
It still remains unclear how a Wachowski Brothers take on the quirky series would differ from the original. I fully expect Speed's famous red ascot to be made of shiny black leather."
I've been curious about how anyone would do this movie since the idea of live action Speed Racer came up. The wack thing about SR was that he'd pull all these mad stunts on bizarre terrain in A CAR. We all know how easily cars get jacked up. So what if you have a bubble roof -- you drive on the bottom of a river bed, something is going to screw up your car.
We've got the Wachowski brother doing Speed Racer and Peter Jackson doing Halo...it's getting a little topsy turvy in here.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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