Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jessica Alba looks ridiculous

From iwatchstuff, "Marvel has chosen a daring new campaign direction with their international Fantastic Four 2 posters by showing awkward portraits of the characters. My main concern with these is that it might urge some people to think, "Hey, weren't these the same guys in that really awful Fantastic Four movie a few years ago?" To which someone will surely reply, "Yes! They were!"

And it's not helping that they've airbrushed Jessica Alba into a mutant/wide-eyed Claire Forlani.

Nine (9!) more at Marvel's site."


Jordan said...

Alba joins Kidman, others in the ranks of the Spock-eyebrowed.

Octopunk said...

She looks like one of the chicks in those Steve Madden ads.

Jordan said...

The best part of those Steve Madden ads is the animated versions on television.

And the fact that they had one poster where they showed a Backstage listing that said "attention: models with huge heads no longer needed" or something like that when they changed their campaign.


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