Sunday, June 10, 2012


(2012) ***

As the reviews of Prometheus have been mixed, Mr. AC and I were wary going in; and indeed, despite some great moments and satisfying effects, there were too many scenes in which characters behaved in a way that made no sense at all, so we couldn't suspend disbelief sufficiently to enjoy the good stuff.  Sigh!  What did other people think?


Jordan said...


Please don't put anything like that on the home page where we H'thon regulars can't possibly miss it.

DKC said...

Spoiler say what now? I think that's a pretty ambiguous review myself.

Jordan said...

I've been waiting for this movie since 1979 and I don't want to know anything about it before I see it, including snippets of anyone's reactions (positive or negative)...especially people whom I trust, like the elite corps of Horrorthon reviewers.

JPX said...

If you've been waiting to see it for 32 years why haven't you seen it yet?

Octopunk said...

(Opinion-type spoilers below)

I plan to see it later this week; I've been avoiding the public reviews but the folks I talked to who've seen it said the screenplay was lacking but the movie was good. AC's is the harshest opinion I've heard so far.

Catfreeek said...

@Jordan-I avoided anything that said Prometheus until after watching the film myself. That's why we went right away to see it. Go quickly before you overhear some unwanted chatter in the grocery store. Seriously. Oh and IMax is the way to go!

(Opinion-type spoilers below)

Tony & I saw it at the imax last night. We both thoroughly enjoyed it but we are also both big Alien buffs. If a person watching is not so familiar with Alien or wasn't so impressed with it, they might not appreciate all the subtle and some not so subtle references throughout the film. It only enhanced the experience for us.

Jordan said...

JPX, because my friend with whom I saw Alien in sixth fucking grade isn't free until Tuesday night.

Damn it, this is Horrorthon, the one place I figured people would get this.

Octopunk said...

If you don't want to know anything before reading it, then seeing the post title should be enough for you to skip it. The only thing you "can't possibly miss" is the photo, which I must assume you've seen. The movie content that gets mentioned is unbelievably mild. Stop with all the wrist-slapping.

Octopunk said...

That said, I think for out-in-theaters-now movies it is a good idea to post a "let's talk about it in comments" post and then leave all the content discussions there (as Jordan did with The Avengers).

Jordan said...

Thank you, Octo; that's all I was saying. No reason not to be that careful.

It was like the scene in Air Force One with the football score: I'd been painstakingly avoiding all review and reactions, only to arrive on Horrorthon (of all places) and have somebody's specific disappointment in my face. (And not just anybody; a reviewer I know and trust.)

I stand by my "wrist-slapping." Don't tell me what to do. (I said "please.")

Octopunk said...

I stand by my telling you what to do. The "please" isn't the thing that informs your tone here.


 2018  ***1/2 It's 1986 for some reason, and a team of paranormal investigators are making a big name for themselves all over Scotland. ...