From geekology, Now I'm pretty sure melting LEGO blocks into a massive gaudy mess of a lampshade is sacrilegious, so I'm posting this with the hope that someone out there will beat up the person responsible for this atrocity. Why not just make a LEGO lamp? That would be cool. Putting a bunch of LEGO blocks into round cake pan and baking them in the oven is not. It's sad and it makes me angry. While I'd never wish anyone harm (despite my prior statement), I do hope that melting LEGO blocks give off some sort of sterilizing gas so this person can't reproduce.
Yeah man! Those Legos weren't hurting anybody!
(As you likely already guessed, that's probably not something I'd have in my home.)
Wow. That looks frustrating and sad. All those Legos no one can use. Is this the future in Octo's home because one day I get fed up and yell, "You spent all our furniture money on Legos, so I melted your damn Legos into a lamp, and I sold some more to pay the electric bill!"
Oh duh. I somehow read "furniture" as "future."
Julie, you should totally threaten that when you want to get your way about something. You can start out small by melting a single Lego guy and then move on to the ships!
No, don't do that.
Wow, the thought of doing that to Octo, and the look on his face while I threaten a minifig with a lighter...wow, it's almost too much to contemplate. I don't think I've got it in me to be that mean!
Still - funny image!
I don't like this conversation at ALL.
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