From ainticoolnews, The original “Superfriends,” which ran one season in 1973, was a quasi-spin-off of two episodes of the “The New Scooby-Doo” movies that teamed the Scooby gang with Batman and Robin. This explains the presence of the Shaggy-like Marvin, the Daphne-like Wendy and he Scooby-like talking Wonderdog, none of whom were featured in any DC comic title at that point. Sixteen episodes of “Superfriends” aired on ABC, then it disappeared for years.
1977’s All-New Superfriends Hour represented the show’s comeback. The superpower-free Marvin, Wendy and Wonderdog were not asked back. Extraterrestrials Zan and Jayna, the shapeshifting Wonder Twins, were introduced.
The 1977 hours were divided into four segments, and perhaps the coolest thing about the revamp was the final segment always featured a guest star, often a comic-derived Justice League icon like The Atom, The Flash, Green Lantern or Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
A press release describes two extras on the new season-one volume-one set:
“One Dimensional Goodness: The Super Friends and the Good Old Days” - In the 1970s one of the last bastions for conservative programming was the Saturday morning cartoon. This documentary examines how this trend made its way into the world of the Super Friends, and includes a comparison of the characters' treatment in future television incarnations of the Justice League as well as their appearance in comic books.
* “Origins of the Guest Stars” - Hawkman, Hawkgirl, the Atom, and Green Lantern made their first animated appearances on Super Friends during this season. Show writers and producers discuss the introduction of these beloved characters to the line-up and their DC Comics origins. Also featured will be the classic rogues gallery associated with each of these iconic heroes
That's pretty cool. Re-watching the Marvin and Wendy eps a few years ago, I was struck by how downright boring they are. They would pad a lot of "learning" into the action (mostly Aquaman or Wonder Woman droning on about some damn thing).
JPX, you may add it to your collection but I bet you won't make it through 2 episodes. Wonder Twins... Pfft.
DC Comics = What-ev.
For those who aren't aware, JSP has always been anti-D.C. for some reason. In a world where Coke and Pepsi and McDonald's and Burder King co-exist, I think both Marvel and D.C. can both be enjoyed.
I bet you're right about the 2-episodes comment. Shape of an ice cube my ass.
Hey look at me, I'm Superman and I can do ANYTHING. Yippeeeeeeeeeeee! Uh-oh, not Kryptonite! Whew! Got out of that one.
The End.
Ok, highjacking this post since a current and past resident of the San Francisco area are here. Feud be damned, I am spending a week on business in SF in Feb, and need a few recommendations on restaurants that aren't located in hotels.
I know it ain't California, but I'm looking for good places for meat....seafood, steak, whatever...tofu need not apply. Any suggestions from you lads/ladies would be appreciated.
"And now, another exciting story that's 'In The News.'"
(That always cracked me up. Aquaman is real up on current events.)
Miko, please don't bring any sand spiders with you on your visit.
As for restaurant recommendations in San Francisco, I believe I'mNotMarc would be better to field that as he knows the lay of the land better than myself. (I'm still kind of a poseur.) Are you looking for relatively affordable or expensive-as-hell establishments?
JSP, the company is paying, so until I have to justify my expense account....money be damned.
Having said that, the big-ticket restaurants usually suck, or I have to get a chili-dog on the way home to feel full, so I'm interested in the less-for-tourists-than-the-guy-down-the-block kinds of places. (Yeah, beat that bad boy of a goes-on-forever sentence DCD!)
I told the spider he can't come now, and he's crying all eight eyes out....very sad.
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