Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wall Street Analyst Says Pixar's "Up" will Fail

From worstpreviews,Disney has laid out a long-term plan for being more environmentally friendly as part of a new Corporate Responsibility Report that also calls for social initiatives like encouraging kids to eat healthy food and not to smoke.

The entire report is at Disney's Web site, beginning with a message from CEO Robert Iger, who promises that the goodwill engendered by its lofty goals will add to shareholder value.

Unfortunately, Disney's feel-good news is doing the exact opposite. An influential Wall Street analyst Rich Greenfield has announced a "sell" recommendation and is predicting that the company's stock price will drop by 28%.

Greenfield cited disappointing box office results from "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" and "Bolt." He is also skeptical on the prospects for "Up," the Pixar movie due out in May.

I personally consider that a strange prediction since Pixar has previously made nine successful films in a row.


JPX said...

Everything I've seen on this film looks hilarious. What's funnier than making fun of the elderly? I'm on board!

Octopunk said...

And these days who's supposed to be lauded for predicting stock prices will drop? Like, duh!


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