One more time, folks: don't build on Native American burial grounds! Seriously, who still does this? Anyhoo, American Chicken Bunker makes the fatal mistake of opening a fried chicken franchise on the site of the Tromahawk tribe burial grounds. Pissed off chicken-zombies, bestiality, gore, boobs, vomit, and feces ensue. Oh yes, and occasional musical numbers.
Guess I was pushing my Troma luck with this one! One of the most disgusting movies I've ever seen; the musical numbers sucked; there were plenty of boobs; lots of purposefully offensive stereotypes; wildly inventive gore and copious bodily humor and bodily waste; and a role for Troma kingpin Lloyd Kaufman himself. I found it only mildly funny and really gross. If this sounds like your cup of tea, enjoy; otherwise give it a wide berth.
Guess you really stuck your beak in it this time. Pecked off a little more than you could chew and ended up watching a real clucked up film. Heehee.
Yeah, what is it with you and crazy horror movies featuring chickens? Aside form musicals the only other films I steer clear of are Troma films. There's just something about them that makes me want to punch a wall. I vote that you stick with Troma pictures next year =)
Oh come on, this movie doesn't exist. You just made it up, right?
Normally, I like tea, but I think I'll skip this!
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