I've been putting off this review because these Afterdark Horrorfest films are killing me. I am vowing never to watch any of them during Horrorthon again. Oh the previews always pique my curiosity and I give it and watch them. I have no doubt I'll be watching all 8 of next years submissions as well. I'll just be watching them in a different month. That way I won't have to sit here staring into my monitor trying to write yet another review for a movie that just doesn't quite make the grade. Anyway, a group of friends rent a boat and venture out into the reeds for what is supposed to be a fun time. Shortly into the trip they run aground on something sticking out of the water. As they try to free the boat they discover they are not alone. There are a group of teens running about in the reeds and something is definitely not right about those kids.

This film is a prime example of a fizzlework. It starts off pretty good, then gets even more promising and just when you start to think it's actually pretty good. Nope! I won't spoil it but the ending is such a letdown that it pretty much counters the good stuff that went on in the first half of the film. There are so many side plots that it's hard to pick out the actual story. When it finally comes together it's like, that's it? Yes folks, that's it. There is a major continuity issue in the film as well, it's actually pretty funny. I had to rewind a couple of times because I thought I was seeing things then I found this on imdb: “Just a few minutes after Nick's fallen in the water his t-shirt looks suspiciously dry. His shirt keeps changing from this point on. Holes appear and disappear, a white stain appears between shots and it keeps switching between wet and dry. “ Yeah, it's that obvious and it was pretty funny. Not worth wasting an hour and a half funny though.
Nice summary. I learned my lesson about the Afterdark Horrorfest films a few years ago. As you note, the descriptions always sound intriguing yet they never pay off. I copied a bunch of them for this year but your reviews only confirm my original perception of this film series. I'm assuming that you're going to watch all 8 and you have my sympathy.
I have 3 to go and I'm not sure I'm going to make it.
Do it! Drink it alllll!
Is the person in that picture missing a big chunk of their head? It's hard to tell.
Who goes out into "the reeds" for a good time? It's kind of like how in the first Evil Dead they're all excited about getting "right up in the mountains" without actually explaining why that's good.
I know what you mean about having movies you don't feel like writing reviews for. I say you throw up a pic or two, write three words, and be done with it.
JPX, I still say you watch these films no matter how awful. I've been suffering through French porn.
And by "suffering" through the French porn do you mean "enjoying it immensely"? I always watch everything I start, but these days I try to make sure that I'm going to enjoy anythning I watch even if it's going to be bad.
this is where we all look with a mixture of envy and regret at Mr. AC for settling into a foolproof way of guaranteeing he'll have the energy to review anything he watches.
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