I might take some flack for this rating, as JPX, Trevor, Jordan and Octo all gave it higher marks. I think, in part, it's that "over-hype" syndrome that happens when you hear how great a movie is and are so excited to see it because of all the build up. So see? It's really your guys' fault.
In another found footage movie, we meet Angela and her camera-man Scott who are following some firemen as they go through their night shift. They are called to an apartment building where one of the residents appears to be sick. Things escalate quickly and brutally and suddenly the entire building is locked down. Any attempts by anyone - police, firemen, residents - to get out is met with threats and/or death by heavily armed soldiers. Things go from bad to worse when the residents start getting infected left and right by what turns out to be some form of high potency rabies.
I think because Paranormal Activity scared me so much, that I was looking for an equal scare that didn't really happen with Quarantine. Not to say that it wasn't scary, but it was more the scared where I'm yelling at the characters to, "Run!" or "Don't go in there!" or "Look out!"
This is a tight film with some good level of gore, incredible tension and the best use of a TV camera as a weapon ever.

I just didn't love it as much as I was hoping.
It's not my fault! JPX did it!
Well, at least you're building up your inner steel.
I say rate them any way you want as long as it's how you felt. Obviously we all don't agree on every film. Heck, you might just love Live Freaky Die Freaky. Give it a whirl! Loving your participation this year, way to go!
I loved this film. I watched it with my former roommate who did not share my feelings and criticized the movie the entire time we watched it. At the end she stated that it was the worst film she's ever seen.
I forgot how many stars I gave it, and I'm too tired to go look now, but I think a lot of my enjoyment of this film stemmed from seeing it in the theater. The dark large crowd environment really added something to it.
Oh, and the Spanish film this is based on, Rec, the sequel Rec 2 came out this summer and is FANTASTIC! I saw it on cable on demand, it might still be there. Well worth the $5.95.
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