In one of John Carpenter’s more divisive films, a priest (Donald Pleasance) summons a team of scientists, experts and grad students to a church to examine a canister of swirling bright green ooze that dwells in the basement. This is no ordinary green slime, mind you. As the team conducts their various tests on the matter, an aura of evil and creepy music fills the air. The physics data and ancient translations lead the team to the conclusion that the cylinder contains none other than Satan himself! But wait – there’s more! A group of silent homeless people led by Alice Cooper surround the church and gruesomely swarm anyone who attempts to leave. And that's not all! The green stuff that escapes turns humans into infectious, green liquid puking zombies! Aaaaahhhh...
While much slower building than Halloween or A Nightmare on Elm Street, there are several impressive shocks and gross outs to reward the patient viewer. Critics panned it for a number of legitimate reasons. It offers intriguing ideas that are never explored. Its epic ambition isn never realized. The characters lack depth. The supernatural scenes aren't very scary. Carpenter fans are split 50/50. Some hail it as an underrated masterpiece and others can't seem to hate it enough. Personally I thought it was just great. Satan + zombies + bugs = Johnny Sweatpants will almost certainly sing its praises.
Not that I didn't have my issues... Bright green liquid isn't scary. Heavy metal music isn't scary. Donald Pleasance never smiles. I don't have time for an atheist rant but the idea of non overlapping magisteria (that science and religion answer different questions and don't interfere with each other) always makes my blood boil. I do love me my Satan stories on a fantastical level but when the importance of science is such a prominent theme then it should be dealt with in a scientific way. I'm not asking for complicated mathematical equations in my horror movies but don't insult your audience by throwing out a few phrases about antimatter and atomic theory and expect them to accept your movie as intellectually stimulating.
I'm nitpicking. Bottom line: great unique flick. I'm disappointed in myself that I'd never seen it before.
Off to a zombie prom! God, I love Halloween...
I love this flick as well. Have fun at the prom. Remember,it's not polite to eat your dates brain.
don't let Trick Or Treat rocker Sammi Curr hear you say that. he'll flop around in his lusty leather pants and send you to rock n' roll hell.
catfreeek -- but it'd be so romantic if she offered to share, wouldn't it?
Well, if she offered then it's different.
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