11. LOST (2004-Present)
Created by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof
A mysterious island that's home to a shape-shifting smoke monster, a weird science project tasked with saving the world, and a secret society of sinister ''Others'' who can't make babies — yes, Lost certainly has its fair share of sci-fi stuff. And yet, like the best examples of the genre, this unfolding saga about plane-crash survivors trapped in a tropical twilight zone doesn't wallow in its genre elements, but uses them to embellish an exploration of identity, community, and reality itself. Coyly sublimating everything from Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to Star Trek and Star Wars, Lost aspires to be an important entertainment for a pop-soaked, soul-searching age. Now, at the risk of missing the point, how about some damn answers?!
POP CULTURE LEGACY Building on pioneers The X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lost helped to usher in a new era of serialized storytelling and showed Hollywood how cult-pop TV can be leveraged into cashcow franchises. Heroes, say hello to Daddy.
THE BEST BIT The Emmy-winning first season, with its perfect pilot and getting- to-know-you character flashbacks, is an object lesson in capturing the imagination. —Jeff Jensen
See the entire list here
I'd like to see the entire list but I don't have the patience to go through 25 pages. I stopped when I saw Tim Allen. What's #1? Please don't tell me it's Blade Runner...
Blade Runner was #3 and The Matrix was #1.
Why no love for Blade Runner?
It's boring and overrated. (Somebody had to say it, jeez.)
I'm shocked and appalled!
When I was a child I always found it very dull. Once I was old enough to contemplate the moral questions raised about globalization and scientific engineering, I still found it dull as dishwater. I'm not picking a fight or nothin', I'm just saying...
You're just saying you're an idiot!
Okay, that's not very diplomatic, but Blade Runner is my favortie movie. Like my single favorite movie.
blade runner feud!
i'm glad these comments contain no LOST spoilers (given the original post).
JSP,I kind of feel the same way about "Buckaroo Banzai." Every time I tried to watch it with Octo - read, many times - I would fall asleep...
buckaroo feud!
my 2 cents: much as i love buckaroo banzai, and will drop everything to watch it whenever it is on, and quote it back and forth with my brother to everyone else's dismay, it doesn't compare to blade runner. buckaroo is hilarious and fun and smart and well-cast, but it is still a b movie. also, i didn't like it (and didn't get it) the first time or so i saw it.
Wow - two fueds in one post!
I am pro-Blade Runner though...if that counts for anything!
Look at me, fishing for approval.
I'm with you, DCD, I love that Octo (and AC!) are so passionate about BB but I've never been able to get through it either.
that's my deleted comment, and no i wasn't saying jpx is a jerk.
You were, you were!
[Actually, I'm cringing in fear over the essay of anger Jordan is no doubt about to unleash upon me]
is jordan pro-bb, then? either way, i look forward to said essay.
I haven't seen Buckaroo Bonzai in years (decades?) but it was my understanding that it is unspeakably awful.
And JSP goes in for the kill!
He likes to cause problems!
it hardly qualifies as a feud until jsp weighs in.
Did I ever tell you guys how much I love being involved in this blog?
In a crappy day it can always make me smile - if not downright crack up!!
I hear ya! It brings a smile to my face and helps me deal with all the horror stories I hear from patients all day long.
Buckaroo Banzai can be an acquired taste, I suppose, but it's my favorite low-budget indie flick ever. (Is it indie? Any, low-budget for sure.)
It's just so unflinchingly sincere about its own mythology, despite the crappy surroundings. There's always someone ready to say "hey, it's Buckaroo Banzai!" as if it were all a huge international phenomenon and not just some guys in New Jersey.
I haven't even read the list yet. Doesn't EW do this list like once or twice a year?
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