From filmstalker, Ridley Scott has announced that he's going to make a science fiction film as his next project, marking the first science fiction project for him since Blade Runner and a film which even he regards as the only original science fiction film since.
It seems he's been waiting some twenty years to get his hands on the rights to a book, a book that is now set to become his next science fiction film, and possibly something wholly original. Any ideas what that book could be?
Well neither do I since he won't actually give anything away about the project. Speaking to Eclipse Magazine through Empire he reveals:
"I waited for a book for 20 years and I have got the book. I am not going to tell you what the book is but that film is going to probably be written within the next month. That will definitely be what I do next after Nottingham, the Robin Hood film (with Russell Crowe) that I am doing now in England."
You'll remember that back in August of last year he said:
“There's nothing original. We've seen it all before. Been there. Done it. There is an over-reliance on special effects as well as weak story lines.”
So that would suggest that this book is something special and Ridley Scott could be bringing us a pretty unique film, and perhaps even visionary. I mean he's saying there's been nothing original since Blade Runner and he's not made anything in the science fiction realm since, and then to wait twenty years to get the rights to a novel before returning to the genre? That sounds pretty serious stuff to me.
Well that's nice, but he did make G.I. Jane.
I wondered as well, and it only took a short Google search to find many references to the book being Huxley's Brave New World. Supposedly Leo diCaprio will star.
OMG, I love that book. I hope it's that. I kind of think the Brave New World scenario isn't all that dystopian. (Book spoiler alert if you haven't read it.) Drugs, sex with anyone you want...not to mention the whole baby in a jar thing, which sounds quite appealing at the moment.
I agree with Jules on this one.
(Book spoiler alert below)
I read Brave New World and 1984 back to back, and thought BNW's dystopian outlook was kinda slapped on. Sure it's a hypercontrolled society that squishes human will and sentiment, but if you're one of the misfits who can't fit in you get to hang out with the other people like you in an exotic location of your choosing. In 1984 they break your brain and kill you.
I'd like to see what RS will do with this.
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