From ew, Anyone working on a high-profile movie or TV show these days dreads seeing two words in a script: Exterior shot. Filming a hot project at an outdoor location has become a swim in a giant, incredibly public fishbowl. Of all the battlefronts in the spoiler wars, location shoots are the places where filmmakers and show creators feel the most exposed, the most overtly under siege — and maybe the most powerless to plug leaks. ''You can't control it anymore,'' says Kathleen Kennedy, an executive producer on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The cast and crew did the best they could to keep a low profile on locations in New Mexico, Hawaii, and Connecticut. They tagged the movie Genre on call sheets. Harrison Ford was listed as ''#,'' and Cate Blanchett's Russian villainess Irina Spalko became ''Mean Girl.'' Even so, interlopers crashed the party wherever Crystal Skull went. Somebody in a helicopter — possibly just a lucky tourist on a joyride, who was passing through airspace the Skull crew couldn't control — snapped shots of a Hawaii-based jungle sequence from above. Plot-spoiling amateur videos of a motorcycle-chase scene filmed in New Haven, Conn., also showed up online, thanks to onlookers posting footage. ''Unfortunately, it has become intrusive, and extremely aggressive,'' says Kennedy. ''You have to accept that it goes with the territory now.''
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I'm sure HandsomeStan could tell us a lot about this...if he wasn't in foreign countries cavorting with famous movie stars.
According to JSP, Stan just returned to the states after hanging out with Julia Roberts and George C.
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