These rap music playing, white trash, ugly ass kids that just moved into my apartment building are getting on my last nerve. I will be moving for the fourth time in a year and a half because people suck. These losers have ten to fifteen people over day and night and all they do is walk up and down the stairs and slam the doors and go outside and talk loudly about their trashy uninteresting lives while they suck down their cancer sticks and shovel Dunkin Donuts down their grotesque throats. I hate them! When their inside they blast music that makes me want to stick knives in my ears and cough loudly because they do nothing but smoke pot all day. My hallways and my apartment reek of their bad habits. I hate them! While I go out and get a machete, feel free to share bad neighbor stories.
So sorry. I got the best apartment in the world and it was totally ruined by this family of six living in the one BR across the way from me. They played super loud Mexican polka music. It was so loud in their house that they would have to come outside to talk on their cell phones, and they would have super loud conversations in Spanish under my bedroom window. They were a total nightmare.
Here's the thing. You can get them all thrown out. Tell your landlord. Anything tenants do to disturb the "peace and enjoyment" of neighbors is an offense. Your landlord should start giving them warning notices and then eventually can boot them all out. That's the law. Don't back off. You don't have to let them know it's you complaining.
I moved for other reasons. Well, one other reason: my last stupid boyfriend before Octo and I got back together. That stupid boyfriend and I were property managers together for a while, so we moved into a place and learned how things work, legally. You can get these people out if you are persistent. At least that's how it works in California. They're bad neighbors and your landlord is obligated to evict them after proper notices and warnings. They are actually breaking the law by being such shitheads.
Perhaps if you got to know them better you might realize that you have more in common than you think. Why one day you might look back at your decades long friendship and laugh at your initial misjudgment. After all you know what they say - you can't judge a book by its cover! Hang in there, kiddo.
I heard it's "wicked hodd" to evict someone in RI.
The only contact I have with my neighbor is the elderly Vietnamese woman next door who catches me each and every time I take a day off of work. She says "You no have to work today?" Then I feel guilty and can't enjoy myself for the rest of the day.
Whirlygirl already knows this, but I loved my last apartment. For 6 months nobody lived above me and you could hear a pin drop. Then one day a moving van pulled up and two morbidly obese lesbians moved in. They were hospice workers so they kept crazy hours. All night long they walked across my ceiling. Imagine the sound of walking through heavy snow. I tried ear plugs and Trazadone, nothing worked. I confroted them, complained to my landlady, wrote letters, etc. It's what finally pushed me to buy a house. I vowed never to be in a situation again where my sanity was at the mercy of strangers.
The woman who lives above me adopted a kid who stomps around all over the place.
It's not so bad. I've called to complain a couple of times (when the kid was obviously jumping off a piano bench onto the floor, making my ceiling shake) but I don't want to get in the habit. I grew up with an annoying lady downstairs complaining on the phone about the noise I was making, and I think it's time to stop the hating cycle or whatever.
Whirly, gonna put in my ex-cop two cents here.
While cops may roll their eyes at having to respond to noise complaints, in reality it is sooooo much fun. There is very little as satisfying as banging on someone's door with the business end of your steel flashlight, then leaning on some inconsiderate little fucks. We think of everytime we were awoken by noise outside our own homes.
Call the cops! Let them take out their frustrations on the little weasels. Then do what Julie.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
JSP, my roommate and I did try and overlook their faults and make an effort to be friendly with them, but then we found out that addition to all the headaches they cause they are liars and cannot be trusted. They also have two gigantic vehicles that don’t fit in the driveway, and I witnessed one of them just about smash into the side of my car.
The landlords are supposed to be working on this, but they live in Boston and have extremely thick Irish accidents. My roommate thinks their accents are sexy, but I can’t understand a word they say.
JPX says that I have terrible luck with apartments. My last apartment got invaded by two destructive party animal girls and their friends stomping over my head at all hours of the night. I was also forced out of my parking lot because my car was continually keyed. My landlord told me to go to the police, and the police told me not to bother filling out a report and this is why they don’t have nice cars. I parked my car on the street and accumulated over $200 in parking tickets that I was not eager but of course had to pay.
My current apartment was great. Lot’s of space and great neighbors until the first and second floor opened up. My favorite neighbors on the first floor moved to California to work for NASA sending microbes to Mars. Now one floor has been filled with asshole kids and God only knows who will end up on the first floor. Even if the landlords do kick these kids out, I don’t know if I want to stick around to see who else moves in. I’ve already looked at a number of apartments and have four more to see later today.
You’d think at this point I’d be dying to get out of Providence, but in spite of all my apartment headaches I still love the East side. But, if I’m forced to move again after this, I’m leaving this cold state for somewhere warm.
I'm going to start working at a legal library soon so I'm sure I'll be able to get plenty of free legal advice from the lawyers I'll be working with.
Only thing left is to send JPX to kick their asses...or...to anylyze them until they cry.
Think about how the Martians must feel with those new microbe neighbors. That can't be fun.
Whirlygirl has had some truly awful apartment experiences. Her current apartment is really spacious and cute and it's just a tragedy that these people moved in after she had 6 months of bliss there. It's simply an intolerable situation that is unlikely to be rectified unless WG moves out.
Wit, weren't you suppose to have your baby yesterday, Julie?
Missed all of this today - Damn you work!!
We have not been the best people to live under, that I know. When our sibs Jules and Tim and R and I all lived in the condos we were on the top floor and had two rambunctious dogs. Miso and Cayenne (who ended up going to live somewhere else.)
Anyway, the two dogs would go crazy chasing each other around our 1,000 sq feet space. Tim, poor soul who lived below us, commented that it sounded like really loud thunder every time. All I can say is, Thank God he was related!
In case it isn't clear, it was only Cayenne who wound up moving somewhere else (and no, that is not a euphamism for something more sinister).
Almost everyone in my family has 1 or 2 Australian blue healers that are all related to each other; one of my other sisters had a prolific pair of parents some years ago. By my count there were eight of the dogs whose shenanigans we were still witnessing (when Cayenne was still around).
The breed was created for herding cattle, and one night we discussed whose animals would excel at that task. Miso and Cayenne, the spazziest pair, were widely assessed to be among the worst at herding, although it was agreed they would definitely get cows to move.
I've been pretty lucky as far as apartment neighbors go; I've never endured any ongoing conflict or irritation. I did have some upstairs neighbors whose kids would occasionally flood their bathroom, which would cause rain in my bathroom. One day I got home and turned on the light in there and it was a weird yellow hue. Turned out the light globe had filled with water and the bulb was almost completely submerged.
At my apartment before this one we were the bad neighbors.
Octo, do you mean Australian Blue Heelers, or does this family of dogs actually cure disease and injury? (Cause if so, then you shouldn't have given Cayenne away DCD!)
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Well, I still have one dog left - although he hasn't shown any super-healing powers yet...Just the power to shed profusely.
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