Friday, June 22, 2012

Woody Allen Explains Why Annie Hall And Hannah And Her Sisters Were Disappointments

"When Annie Hall started out, that film was not supposed to be what I wound up with. The film was supposed to be what happens in a guy’s mind, and you were supposed to see a stream of consciousness that was mine, and I did the film and it was completely incoherent. Nobody understood anything that went on. The relationship between myself and Diane Keaton was all anyone cared about. That was not what I cared about. That was one small part of another big canvas that I had. In the end, I had to reduce the film to just me and Diane Keaton, and that relationship, so I was quite disappointed in that movie, as I was with other films of mine that were very popular. Hannah and Her Sisters was a big disappointed because I had to compromise my original intention tremendously to survive with the film. So, you’re asking the wrong person. You see the film and you draw your conclusion from it. To me, it’s always less than the masterpiece I had been certain I was destined to make."

This excerpt is from a much longer, funny interview. Go here to read it!

1 comment:

Crystal Math said...

It's so awesome to me to read an interview from someone who's been making movies for over 40 years and hear what changes have occurred in film during that time. The interview wasn't laugh-out-loud funny for me, but not a lot of what Woody does has that effect on me. Great insight, though, and what he has to say about love made me chuckle.

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