That's right! Today's the day! Wrath of the Titans is out on dvd!
Also, Horrorthon founder and all-around nice guy JPX is a year older today. I'm sure if you leave a comment, he'll be able to make it out through the haze of cataracts and general disorientation to which those of his advanced age are prone.
Case in point, when this picture was taken he had no idea his shirt wasn't the same color as everyone else's. Sigh.
(Oh, I kid. A few weeks ago on our annual too-short trip to the EC, Mr. X was good enough to join us for beachy frolics. The Mr., DCD, Julie and I teamed up for this Horrorthonner pic, but unfortunately Landshark had wandered off somewhere, probably in aid of a crying kid.)
As I like to point out every year, JPX and I have been friends since fourth grade and have therefore shared the most ridiculous adventures life offers (when you're not yet old enough to drink). Like the time he inspired me to climb successfully out of his upstairs window by aiming a drawn arrow at my face, or the time he discovered a jellied mass of fish eggs and without a moment's hesitation threw it at a friend of ours. Wait a second, he's a jerk!
Well sure, but there's also the way we were never bored because there was always another building in town we could scale. Or how I walk the cool aisles of toy stores today and always feel like he's there next to me. Or the fact that his taste in music is rooted forever in the sounds of 80's pop and 90's techno, just like mine. So I guess it balances out.
Spend some money on yourself today, my friend. Cheers.
Happy birthday, JPX! Great seeing you when we were back east.
Happy Birthday JPX I hope you have something fun planned.
happy birthday jpx! hope you have a fabulous day... and hope you are not at work! :)
Happy birthday JPX and thanks for being a jerk to Octo -- uh, I mean an awesome person!
Happy Birthday! That picture cracks me up!
Good god JPX, I never heard that bow and arrow story before. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Anyway Happy Birthday! Answer your damn phone later.
That's the nice story. Another time in your backyard he actually loosed one. I was lying on the ground about 20 or 30 feet away; I rolled to the left and I swear the arrow stuck in the grass right where I'd been lying. Good times!
Thanks everyone! I'm at The Expendables 2 right now and I can't think of a better way to end my day!
No texting in the theater! Can't wait to discuss Expendables!
I wanted you to really remember me wishing you a happy birthday so I figured I'd stand out by being late! *hangs head*
Sorry to miss you yesterday, I hope you had a super birthday!!
Hee hee, thanks, DCD!
Expendables 2 is awesome fun, by the way.
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