
Standard horror trope
College kids on vacation
Lone rural cabin
Two childhood friends flirt
Other couple gets busy
Lone stoner wanders
There's something lurking
A microscopic virus
That likes to eat flesh
Open oozing sores
Projectile bloody coughing
Highly contagious
Infected hobo
Visits our protagonists
Things spiral from there
Genuinely gross
With intentional humor
No big surprises
Disgusting and fun
Respectable body count
Not biddy friendly
Watch through the credits
Or fast forward to the last
35 seconds
You are on fire Mr. AC! Nice choice.
I appreciate
the Biddy Scale that's evolved.
Makes things easier!
I can't believe how many movies you are watching, Mr. AC, my hat is off to you (I don't wear a hat). Will you be watching the sequel?
I don't wear hats either (our family looks positively stupid in hats) but I'm loving your reviews this year!
I think I have to, JPX. I just hope it doesn't suck!
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